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Age Problem! Any ideas or input would be great!


So, I was pro-rec'd in March for BDCP (SNA, NFO, SWO).
A few days ago, I got a phone call from my OR saying that I will be final select , as soon as I turn in some paperwork on my dual citizenship issue, but it won't be for pilot, it will be for NFO; I will be 4 months over the SNA age limit of 29 by the time I graduate in May 2011 :icon_rage.
Now, I have six years of prior service that the NAVY is already giving me two years for. So, according to the recruiting command, they can't do anything else to help me out.
I will gladly do NFO or SWO, that is why I put them down on my application, I am a "lifer" anyways and it won't matter in what field. So, it may seem to you like I am contradicting myself here; however, I have literally spent my entire life chasing after that SNA spot. It has taken me half way across the globe (I was born in Eastern Europe), chipping paint and sweeping decks for 6 years in the US NAVY so I can get into school, going to school for Physics and Math in order to get a better shot at it, and all for what? To be over the age limit by 4 months.
You see guys, for me, to be a pilot has turned into a unicorn chase. I mean, problem after problem after problem, I just can't get a fu@#ing break, please excuse my language.
I guess it just wasn't meant to be!!!! But before I say, to hell with it, I am thinking of writing to the CNO. I know that it may piss off a lot of people, but I am willing to risk it. Plus what is the worst thing that they can do, say NO?
Anyways, if any of you have any better ideas, please let me know. If you know someone that has been fortunate enough to get an additional waiver for a few months, please let me know. Finally, if you know what is the best way to contact the CNO, please let me know.




loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket
Uhh, writing the CNO seems like possibly the worst idea I've heard. First, he's probably not going to be sympathetic. Second, you're jumping so many links in that thing called a COC, that anyone below him will likely just say fuck this kid. My idea, would be to try and double up classes and graduate early if at all possible. Bottom line, you're not the first person who has come upon this age barrier, and you won't be the last. Plenty have had prior service, and they weren't able to get an additional waiver. If you can't graduate early, take the NFO or SWO slot. Also, you're actually over by more than four, it's commissioning date, not college completion date. Whatever you do, don't attempt to contact the CNO, that's digging with dynamite.


Uhh, writing the CNO seems like possibly the worst idea I've heard. First, he's probably not going to be sympathetic. Second, you're jumping so many links in that thing called a COC, that anyone below him will likely just say fuck this kid. My idea, would be to try and double up classes and graduate early if at all possible. Bottom line, you're not the first person who has come upon this age barrier, and you won't be the last. Plenty have had prior service, and they weren't able to get an additional waiver. If you can't graduate early, take the NFO or SWO slot. Also, you're actually over by more than four, it's commissioning date, not college completion date. Whatever you do, don't attempt to contact the CNO, that's digging with dynamite.

I agree, but as you know desperate people are willing to do anything. I just don't want to take NO as an answer, there is always a way. However, there is no way I can graduate early, it would mean taking 20+ credits of Physics in one semester not to mention the Math, that is simply impossible. Contacting the CNO was just a thought, that is why I am posting here to see what people have to say. Plus, I figured someone on here is thinking with a clearer head.


Crusty Shellback
Concur with Spyguy...it is the age at which you commission (complete OCS), not your degree. I was 26 when I commissioned in June of 2009 and I turned 27 in August..I'm a non-prior, so had I rolled or got hurt at OCS...there was a real possibility of being age dq'd for my pilot slot.


On second thought, I wonder if the school will allow me to graduate early! Like, lets say this May, I have almost enough credits to graduate, it just wont be in Physics. Hummmm?


Crusty Shellback
Most schools require you to have your graduation paperwork complete well in advance of the grad date..for admin purposes and what not. I had to have my stuff in by Dec or Jan I think? You can try...If they say no, most schools have a summer grad class as well that walks with the May graduates, try that route too.


OK, sorry guys! I knew that it is by the time I graduate OCS, so I guess that will put me at 7 months over the age limit. But still, I won't be any different 7 months later. You know it just makes no sense to me. Plus, I am running into this problem because when I was getting in the NAVY in 2000 it was still 31 for SNA for prior service. I figured, OK I am going to go earn my salt and then get out go to school and still be able to get back in on time to be a pilot. I told you, I just can't get a break man!!!


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
On second thought, I wonder if the school will allow me to graduate early! Like, lets say this May, I have almost enough credits to graduate, it just wont be in Physics. Hummmm?

Getting a degree in Physics/math isn't going to give you a "better shot at it" so look at an alternative path to get your degree ASAP to get in under the wire (for age). You can still go get an advanced degree in Physics of Math if that's what floats your boat. You need to focus on getting the degree and through OCS with enough margin to beat age limit.

Writing CNO isn't going to do anything. His staff works up any letters/emails received and would look at your situation and see you have a Final Select in a highly competitive time. Besides, CNO is a SWO, why would he care about you being too old for SNA? He'd likely rather see you get that Physics degree and go SWO Nuke.....


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I am thinking of writing to the CNO.
This just confirms what I already knew about you.

At any rate, you should have planned out your degree to account for this. Why pursue a difficult and often time consuming degree in Physics if you could have done it quicker in another discipline?

So, let's review: Poor planning on your part, unwilling to take responsibility for your own actions and to top it off, you're lacking the maturity to accept your situation. No wonder writing the CNO sounds like a good idea to you.

If you must be an officer, please be a SWO.



This just confirms what I already knew about you.

At any rate, you should have planned out your degree to account for this. Why pursue a difficult and often time consuming degree in Physics if you could have done it quicker in another discipline?

So, let's review: Poor planning on your part, unwilling to take responsibility for your own actions and to top it off, you're lacking the maturity to accept your situation. No wonder writing the CNO sounds like a good idea to you.

If you must be an officer, please be a SWO.

Ohhhhhh come on Brett! You have been busting my balls on here since I joined this forum. What did I do to deserved that!
Anyways, I am writing on here because I am looking for an advice, I wasn't actually going to write to the CNO if people thought it was a bad idea, which they do, plus I know a thing or two about the COC. Also, I am thinking that if you were faced with my situation you would be doing the same thing.
What is so immature about looking to accomplish something that I have wanted my entire life?
As far as my degree goes, it was not poor planing, I am going to be graduating with a Physics/Math degree in three years, and they made me start with MATH 050, that was for people that had never taken math in their life before.
I will accept my situation, however I wanted to give myself one more shot at it.
I would LOVE to be an NFO, oh shit that means that I am going to be like you. Oh-oh, does that mean that you will stop picking on me :) ?


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Ohhhhhh come on Brett! You have been busting my balls on here since I joined this forum. What did I do to I deserved that!
Anyways, I am writing on here because I am looking for an advice, I wasn't actually going to write to the CNO if people thought it was a bad idea, which they do, plus I know a thing or two about the COC. Also, I am thinking that if you were faced with my situation you would be doing the same thing.
What is so immature about looking to accomplish something that I have wanted my entire life?
As far as my degree goes, it was not poor planing, I am going to be graduating with a Physics/Math degree in three years, and they made me start with MATH 050, that was for people that had never taken math in their life before.
I will accept my situation, however I wanted to give myself one more shot at it.
I would LOVE to be an NFO, oh shit that means that I am going to be like you. Oh-oh, does that mean that you will stop picking on me :) ?

Well for starters, even considering the "write the CNO" route. Next, you didn't have the foresight to read the rules governing age waivers and then plan your education accordingly in order to graduate in time to pursue the designator you want. One would think that if it were that important to you, you would have made an effort to stay constantly abreast of the rules and then have realistic expectations as to what designators were within your grasp. The fact that you're just now realizing this tells me that you either didn't plan for your future, or had hopelessly unrealistic expectations. Now that you're beginning to realize your situation, you lay blame everywhere but where it belongs - squarely on your shoulders. Your "the world is against me and I just can't get a break" mindset isn't going to cut it in the Officer Corps. The fact that you consider the age requirements as "unfair" or that they somehow shouldn't apply to you is one more indication of your maturity level. I'm breaking your balls because you're behaving like a child.



Besides, CNO is a SWO, why would he care about you being too old for SNA? He'd likely rather see you get that Physics degree and go SWO Nuke.....
Good point!
I took up physics because I kind of love that stuff, plus when I first spoke with recruiters in 2007 they said that a technical degree is much more presentable to the NAVY than whatever degree and my chances of being selected would be higher. Is that true? Well, it may be, I got picked up for BDCP with this degree so it is possible. Although, my enlisted service probably contributed the most.


Well for starters, even considering the "write the CNO" route. Next, you didn't have the foresight to read the rules governing age waivers and then plan your education accordingly in order to graduate in time to pursue the designator you want. One would think that if it were that important to you, you would have made an effort to stay constantly abreast of the rules and then have realistic expectations as to what designators were within your grasp. The fact that you're just now realizing this tells me that you either didn't plan for your future, or had hopelessly unrealistic expectations. Now that you're beginning to realize your situation, you lay blame everywhere but where it belongs - squarely on your shoulders. Your "the world is against me and I just can't get a break" mindset isn't going to cut it in the Officer Corps. The fact that you consider the age requirements as "unfair" or that they somehow shouldn't apply to you is one more indication of your maturity level. I'm breaking your balls because you're behaving like a child.

I knew it was 29 since the day it was changed. However, I just recently found out that I have to be commissioned before I turned 29. So, I decided to do some digging around on here and see what people thought. I didn't think that I was going to get my maturity questioned or my decision making skills for that matter.
Look Brett, it hasn't been easy for me to get to where I am, I literally have had to fight for every inch of the way so far. So, I wasn't implying that the NAVY rules and regulations don't apply to me, I was hoping that they may realize how dedicated and hard working I am and be willing to give me a break. You know I didn't just wake up two months ago and said, oh I want to be a pilot. That is not how it went down, I told you before, I have worked my entire life towards this and it was just a little disappointing to hear those words the other day. I have made it through a lot of heart brakes in life and I am not going to allow this to put me down.


^^^^^^I don't want to offend anyone, I am sure that there a lot of people on here that have worked hard to get to where they are.
As Brett said, it is my fault and I do plan on taking up responsibility for my actions. I guess I just wanted to cry about it on here for a little bit and get it over with.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
^^^^^^I don't want to offend anyone, I am sure that there a lot of people on here that have worked hard to get to where they are.
As Brett said, it is my fault and I do plan on taking up responsibility for my actions. I guess I just wanted to cry about it on here for a little bit and get it over with.

Nobody I can see is offended. You need to develop the ability to separate your emotional response to constructive criticsm. Brett always tells it like it is so don't ask him for slack:

BM2 said:
Ohhhhhh come on Brett! You have been busting my balls on here since I joined this forum.

He's trying to get you focused and to shed the emotions. The point is: You don't need a break. You got your final select in a very competitive situation with little opportunity. It's a "Seller's Market" for Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard right now. IMEO....take the SNFO Final Select. kick ass and you might even get a chance to "upgrade" to SNA at PCola and later after you get your wings. Two of the guys I work with everyday started out in back seat and ended up in front seat and for our work, they are far more valuable for understanding both environments. So take "the opportunity that is given" (go watch Evan Almighty if you don't get that)