It sounds like you were doing SCAR. If there was no integration of fires with maneuver forces, then it wasn't CAS. This has been a HUGE part of what I've been doing lately, namely participating in doctrinal disputes over the definition of CAS. As noted before in earlier posts, the air force has hijacked the system and turned it into a sea-lawyer "how air power can win the war" load of bullsh!t.
I've been trying to explain this to the grunts that I work with, and it's frustrating. Everything has been so regulated in the name of standardization that the effects are beinbg nullified. The training of FACs (and particularly JTACs) has creeped into the unmanageable, all in the name of standardization.
One of the big problems is that staffs keep asking for FACs and JTACs to do things that aren't CAS because they are afraid to drop without one. That's why the definition is so important. If you're not integrating fires with maneuver, then you're not doing CAS. If you're not doing CAS, then you don't need a FAC, FAC(A), or JTAC.
While SCAR is similar to FAC(A), the ground equivilant is terminal guidance operations (TGO). For instance, if a RECON team is on a hill lasing a target a mile away (not that physical distance is the determinig factor), he's doing TGO, not CAS. He's not integrating fires, so the aircraft retains release authority. It's a seemingly subtle difference, but it's causing major headaches in the community
To make matters worse, the army has started their Joint Fires Observer course, which will try to codify the TGO qualification. That's being asked for by requesting a "type 2 and 3 CAS" capability, which of course, is nonsense. Even though it's supposedly "Joint", the USMC (not sure about USN) has not signed on to this qual becasue every grunt should already know how to do this and we don't want to have another qual to make, build and track. Just more ass-pain for ZERO additional effects.
Concur about MAWTS, though. I was/will be again stationed in Yuma and work with them frequently. I graduated from their WTI Air Officers Course last fall and learned a lot about the system and all of the new gucci gear coming out.