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Air Force defeated by India

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Fly Navy

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VetteMuscle427 said:
I just read in Naval Institute Mag that each block of the hornet is upgraded, and the latest C/D models have pretty much same computers at the E/F; and that older models get depot level maintenance to upgrade them. The big plus with the E/F is greater fuel load and room to grow... which the C/D has used up.

Old airframe, old design.


"It's a mother beautiful bridge, and it's gon
Just remember, the Pentagon only has so much money and its a zero sum game. When you spend money on the F-22, you are taking away from the money needed for new bombers, tankers, ships, ground troops, HUMVEE's, body armor, etc. Spend wisely.

"The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals....." Thus spoke President Dwight D. Eisenhower concerning the military-industrial complex and the "opportunity cost" of spending money that could be better used elsewhere. Schools overseas in particular, especially since many of the free schools in the middle east are religious and teach hatred of the west.


Really do we need to fly U-2 missions over USSR, I am thinking no. Are we really doing any dog fight, probably not. Does the Airforce need the F-22, maybe but not to any large amount because the f-16 have just been upgraded and would be in service for another 15 years, so why do we want to spend all that money that money, because the Airforce has succesfully gotten in the habit of convincing congress that they need new fighters and bomber to keep up with air superiority. Funny enough, the Army does the same thing, but for some reason, the Navy and the Marine Copr get sidelined. The Navy asked for an F-14 upgrade and when the request was not granted, they proceeded to smartly upgrading the F/A 18. Really moving at Mach 2 is not the military needs. The recent war just showed that is possible to destroy aerial bodies without endagering the life of a pilot, so i am still not sure why the Airforce needs the F-22 when they are getting a share of the JSF. (They must have a good lobbying secretary)
--just my 2 piece


Registered User
How much is the Airforce moving forward with the F-22 to save face? Because it has been in development for 15 years and had countless billions spent on it...

If it was me running the show... which it isn't; and probably never will be, I'd definatly produce a few wings to be used as the "Silver Bullet" and keep enough in production to keep the production line open in case we ever needed them... But seriously... when will we really need them?

I guess you always do look for ways to fight the last war...


They already have the first batch in their evaluation squadron. From speaking to one of their crew chief, he told me that they are having positive results. But you know what i will doubt that. There is no aircraft in the militaries inventry that came out straight from the drawing board to the factory and to the flight line. The 18's had a problem so did the 14's and the 16's. You no what the 4's are still having problems and will still have problems until the last one goes to the bone yard.


Helo Bubba
TANGO 1 said:
Really do we need to fly U-2 missions over USSR, I am thinking no.

What on God's Earth are you talking about??? When was the last time we flew a U-2 over USSR (my guess,over ~20 yrs ago while it still was the USSR and b4 the SR was developed????)

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
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bch said:
What on God's Earth are you talking about??? When was the last time we flew a U-2 over USSR (my guess,over ~20 yrs ago while it still was the USSR and b4 the SR was developed????)

20 years ago the SR-72 was quite active ;)


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
By "4s" do you mean the F-4? Those have been on drone duty for some time now. The countries that still use them know that it has limitations, but those are by virtue of being old, not from having undetected bugs. Talk about a great airplane! I think you're talking apples and oranges.

BTW, it has been a while since U-2s and SR-71s penetrated the USSR, if only because it hasn't existed for over a decade!

BCH, maybe I misunderstood your post, but the SR-71 came out in the mid-60s. The U-2 has actually outlasted it by some time, seeing as it's still flying missions while the SR is in the museum.
VetteMuscle427 said:
I just read in Naval Institute Magazine that the F-15s in Alaska were just the first to get the Helmet Mounted System. They went up against the Germans and their HMS Mig 29s and dominated them in clost combat.

Vette when did you read this?

I'm pretty sure all Luftwaffe MiG-29s got transferred to Poland by now.


Helo Bubba
phrogdriver said:
By "4s" do you mean the F-4? Those have been on drone duty for some time now. The countries that still use them know that it has limitations, but those are by virtue of being old, not from having undetected bugs. Talk about a great airplane! I think you're talking apples and oranges.

BTW, it has been a while since U-2s and SR-71s penetrated the USSR, if only because it hasn't existed for over a decade!

BCH, maybe I misunderstood your post, but the SR-71 came out in the mid-60s. The U-2 has actually outlasted it by some time, seeing as it's still flying missions while the SR is in the museum.

Time table wasa a bit off, I know the U-2 outlast the SR, just trying to figure out what the hell Tango was talking about.


what i mean by u-2 missions is spy mission. And the F-4 thing was a typo i meant F-14.
All i am trying to get across is that we do not need high altitude surveilance or fighter aircrafts since we can now do alot of this missions from the ground


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
If you think U-2 missions (a) aren't still going on and (b) aren't vital, I want some of your drugs.


Helo Bubba
TANGO 1 said:
what i mean by u-2 missions is spy mission. And the F-4 thing was a typo i meant F-14.
All i am trying to get across is that we do not need high altitude surveilance or fighter aircrafts since we can now do alot of this missions from the ground

What are you talking about?!!?? How can you get good aireal surveillance from the ground? If you are talking about sats, then you need to understand that we do not have sats that are constantly covering ever square mile of the Earth all the time. It takes time to wait for a sat to come into the correct spot in its orbit in order to provide intel on a certain spot. Some times, the intell is needed a bit more urgently or at a time when a sat is not covering that area. Yes a sat can be retasked, but they only carry a certain quantity of propellant, once it is gone, it cannot not be refueled, so you can imagine how hard it is to get a sat retasked.

How do you propose using ground assets to do over the horizon strikes or fleet defense instead of aircraft. Yes there are no more strictly "fighter" aircraft anymore. Hence Dual Role! Yes ground troops, arty and tomahawks can do what a fighter bomber can, but not with the speed and punch that an aircraft can.... not yet anyway.


Well, i agree with what you are saying, so we are talking about in the next 5 years. But really how many spy missions are being flown. I now they are not increasing with the WMD buildup, but most countries with WMD would probably have powerful radar systems in anycase and would be able to see aerial movements. ( you know what i might be wrong on that one).
Enlighten me
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