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Air Medal Statistics

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Well-Known Member
It is all relative. In my experience I've worked with Chief's who probably should not have been promoted past the rank of E-3 and Chief's who are without a doubt are the best in the Fleet. But then the road goes both ways. I remember one of my Navigators from a previous boat..a LCDR who couldnt remember what time it was or what our lat/long was let alone lead his department. The only reason we were able to put to sea AND stay at sea was because there was a solid NODEA (navigation/operations department enlisted advisor) onbard.

edit: I should also state that I have worked for some outstanding Officers. This particular NAV must have slipped thru the cracks.


I still see some of my old Chiefs on a weekly basis, either on the Rock or in the Territory. The GOOD chiefs will make you or break you as a division officer. The word "good" incorporates about 75% of the Chiefs, as someone else mentioned.

You just better make sure YOU'RE one of the JO's they decide they're gonna "help" .... let "live" might be a better term .... otherwise, be getting your civilian resume ready for immediate mass mailings after your first Fleet tour is up .... :)


I gotta say one thing before this thread goes down the drain (again -- as in the past when the subject arose) and/or gets locked down as a result.

I've met as many dirt-bag Officers as I've met dirt-bag Chiefs.

THIS ain't the place to discuss it -- this is a PUBLIC internet forum that Officers and Chiefs and others may frequent as they desire ... if YOU have a problem with a particular CPO/SNCO or Commissioned Officer -- you know how to deal with it --- and publicly bashing Chiefs or Officers --- even to the degree of "complaining" about "the other side" that some of you indulge in on the Air Warriors website -- this ain't the place .... sorry ... got a little incoherent, there ...

Roger that???



Well-Known Member
I've met as many dirt-bag Officers as I've met dirt-bag Chiefs.
This will be my last comment on this subject. I agree with you, as I have met my fair share of dirt-bags up and down the chain of command... Remember the 10% rule, it's alive and well...

The Chief

.... if YOU have a problem with a particular CPO/SNCO or Commissioned Officer -- you know how to deal with it ---

Roger that. And further:

If you find you have a bad "CPO Mess", you need only go forward to the Ward Room to find out the reason. Look around, you found the problem. Period.

If E-6's that should not be promoted are recommended/promoted, what can be your expectation of outcomes? Know it happens, more often than it should. Inflated evals do not help, either. Hiding from the problem will cause it to fester. As someone said, you can run but you cannot hide.

For the CPO that has "retired" in place; if you do not know how to take care of the matter, seek help/guidance.

Always seek root cause, whinning does not help, anyone.:icon_rage


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
What CPO mess?

I don't know how to set it up but I would like to see an opinion poll on the CPO mess to be completed by officers that have at least had a complete see tour. I bet you would find the results to be less than favorable.

Whhaaatt, the CPO Mess is less than favorable?? Best perk of being a deployed MO is getting invited to dine with the Chiefs in their Mess. That's the best place to eat on the ship (unless you get to dine with Admiral and Captain and get served by their personal chef). It's also a big clue that you're accepted/respected.


Registered User
Roger that. And further:

If you find you have a bad "CPO Mess", you need only go forward to the Ward Room to find out the reason. Look around, you found the problem. Period.

If E-6's that should not be promoted are recommended/promoted, what can be your expectation of outcomes? Know it happens, more often than it should. Inflated evals do not help, either. Hiding from the problem will cause it to fester. As someone said, you can run but you cannot hide.

For the CPO that has "retired; in place; if you do not know how to take care of the matter, seek help/guidance.

Always seek root cause, whinning does not help, anyone.:icon_rage

I'm going to respect A4s here and agree to disagree; but it does seem like every time we get a new MCPON he wants to overall how the Chiefs do business?

The Chief

... every time we get a new MCPON he wants to .... ?

That will work, as a crutch, somewhat lame, akin to "the dog ate my homework", but who is counting?

Some folk get so good at excuses they simply number them, then simply use the number to save time. No community, oganization, nor etc. has a monopoly on purveyors of excuses in lieu of performance.:D


Well-Known Member
Whhaaatt, the CPO Mess is less than favorable?? Best perk of being a deployed MO is getting invited to dine with the Chiefs in their Mess. That's the best place to eat on the ship (unless you get to dine with Admiral and Captain and get served by their personal chef). It's also a big clue that you're accepted/respected.

Agreed… When I went to JAX for “A” school I had to wait a while for a class. Sooo I picked up butts, shinned everything in sight and got to “field day” the CPO Club a few times. What a treat, they fed us lunch there and it was fantastic.

Sigh, you’ll all be happy to know nothing has changed, good and bad in my day as well. We did however have a few great CPO’s at 44, the AO shop and maintenance control. The line CPO was an a$$hole, everything was held together by the folks that were below him. We understood that no matter the work still had to get done. The only problem was we made that clown look good. To this day I’m still pissed that I propped up that know nothing do nothing butt head. BTW… most of the other CPO’s disliked him as well. (This guy couldn’t lead a thirsty sailor to a cold beer.)

However in my travels to Yuma, Norfolk, Pensacola and the fleet in general, I met some other great CPO’s. It was great being in a RAG some of us traveled all of the time. Met lots of great folks.



Super *********
Site Admin

And we're way off-topic...

1. If anyone wants to continue the Air Medal topic, please let me know.

2. If anyone wants to continue ranting about senior enlisted, take it to a private forum.
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