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Aircraft selection


Were you told straight up you'd have to convert to SELRES? The guys in my squadron had the option to convert to FTS (to be honest, I thought they were already 1317s, but I may have that wrong). Both opted to go do other things and become SELRES, but my understanding was that it was sold to them as an option to continue active duty in some flavor.
I never got the specifics of the deal as I wasn't interested.

My buddy sufficiently impressed his first VR that they worked to keep him past the two years and then got him in to FTS to continue his career of skating, sucking up good deals, shooting hoops with CNAF, and flying all manner of VR airframes (C-9s, C-40s, and Gulfstreams).


Were you told straight up you'd have to convert to SELRES? The guys in my squadron had the option to convert to FTS (to be honest, I thought they were already 1317s, but I may have that wrong). Both opted to go do other things and become SELRES, but my understanding was that it was sold to them as an option to continue active duty in some flavor.

That's interesting, I've never heard that before. Was this VR-centric?

Yes. Until this post I didn't realize they did direct to the reserves to helo guys.


Sir, I don't plan to behave like that, I wanna work together as a team, I understand you're giving me pretty solid advice (which I thank you for). But if anything, if there's no slots of said aircraft, it wouldn't be awful to me, more so of a shrug and oh well, kind of like a restaurant, or the happy medium, however I don't think a happy medium exists in Naval Aviation. Because every aircraft is unique, I rather take something unexpected and be happy then know about it and be bummed. I will listen more often, and be careful what I say, grab a book, and focus on college for now and getting accepted into the program, what i end up flying can wait, now school. Thank you for wisdom words Zippy.


Ask all the legitimate questions you want. Learning is a good thing.

Your affinity for Russian hardware makes me cringe as I'm reminded of things the Ukrainian dude used to say during his tragic comedy of a journey in Naval Aviation (which sparked that post).


Play Top Gun Til' the VHS breaks
Ask all the legitimate questions you want. Learning is a good thing.

Your affinity for Russian hardware makes me cringe as I'm reminded of things the Ukrainian dude used to say during his tragic comedy of a journey in Naval Aviation (which sparked that post).
Your affinity for Russian hardware

I'll be honest, can we agree that Russia does produce solid stuff? MiG-15bis, AK-47 and the like. I very much rather fly an american built aircraft, use an M-16, but I'm pure blood American and Texan.
I want to be myself man, I will treat my IPs with utmost respect, learn it their way, not the Jublov way. Just know the material I am supposed to know. Not ball park it


Your affinity for Russian hardware

I'll be honest, can we agree that Russia does produce solid stuff? MiG-15bis, AK-47 and the like.


I respect it because it's a threat. I have no love for it otherwise.