All, I have is an assertion? Well, that's a hell of a lot better than a bunch of posting a bunch of links and not even having the basic ability to understand the definitions that he posts.
Flash is the one talking out of his ass, and he does not even understand the basic vocabulary on the subject.
I don't particularly give a rats ass about what you think of my credibility on the subject, but I did grow up in the oil field. My father is the best horizontal drilling consulting PE in Texas, and he has the paychecks to prove it. My first jobs were in the oil field, and it has been my family business since the 30's. My credibility on the subject, along with my Exxon/Mobile, Texaco Stock, and family's oil and gas royalties will keep me from giving a damn what the pump says for a long time.
I am not going to wast my time doing Flash's research for him. The information is free, all he has to do is step down from his liberal talking points for long enough to find the answers. He has shown his abilities with google. Some key words like "United States" "Oil" and "Trillion" will go a long way for him.
I think all anyone is asking you to do is back up your assertion that the US is sitting on the world's largest reserves of oil. I'm not particularly picky as to how you choose to define your terms, but I think it's going to have to be a bit better than "Because my daddy says so." I think you can understand how people would be curious when you come on here and make statements that are contrary to the conventional wisdom, then suggest that WE are the idiots for not believing you. If what you suggest is indeed factual, then there surely must be readily available data to support what you've said.