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Another Korea Border Clash?


New Member
sinking a ship with 104 members on board is no small incident even on the korean border. if it was our ship the B-2's would be airborn


Well-Known Member
Big issue...absolutely. Although I have doubts "number one" would/could actually pull the trigger in a situation like that.


New Member
I'm trying to get a job teaching English in Seoul for a year before I apply for SNA. This aint good.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I'm trying to get a job teaching English in Seoul for a year before I apply for SNA. This aint good.

If you think this will have even the slightest effect on anything, think again. Why do we assume NK has anything to do with this in the first place? I guess China was responsible for the fire on the GW. THIS MEANS WAR! DEATH TO CHINA! SONS OF BITCHES! Seriously, people.



Super Moderator
It would be a pretty big coincidence if it were accidental, the area that it sunk in is where there have been several naval clashes over the Northern Limit Line the past few years with patrol boats on both sides being sunk in clashes in 1999 and 2002.


Yankee Uniform Tango
If you think this will have even the slightest effect on anything, think again. Why do we assume NK has anything to do with this in the first place? I guess China was responsible for the fire on the GW. THIS MEANS WAR! DEATH TO CHINA! SONS OF BITCHES! Seriously, people.




Well-Known Member
If you think this will have even the slightest effect on anything, think again. Why do we assume NK has anything to do with this in the first place?

Common sense and history tells you that it is very likely that NK was involved. Whether it will have any effect on anything is hard to tell.
It could be a symptom of underlying issues within North Korea, or an attempt to ratchet up the tension as a tactic to get added concessions.


Old RIOs never die: They just can't fast-erect
This is a no-brainer: It's an NK make-up for the South Koreans putting a few shells into one of their corvettes a few months ago. That NK provoked the previous clash is of no importance here - NK got punched, so they have to get even. The only issue is whether it was a torpedo, a mine or gunfire that sank this SK vessel. I bet torpedo.


I've read multiple reports and sources, and so far there is a bit of confusion:
1) Apparently the RoK isn't even sure it was NK that sank it.
2) Apparently it may have been a torpedo, and that the Cheonan (the ship in question) may have returned fire at "something to the north."

I guess the phrase, "every initial report is wrong," comes into play.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
What actually happened isn't nearly as important as whether the players involved feel like escalating this thing. If everyone feels it's in their best interests to de-escalate, then everyone should chill the fuck out promptly. If someone doesn't...


Those Chinese sonsabitches are goin' down.


If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.
This issue is pretty important to me, as I will be in Okinawa in a few months. Any idea how this effects the sailors and Marines over there?


Registered User
I've read multiple reports and sources, and so far there is a bit of confusion:
1) Apparently the RoK isn't even sure it was NK that sank it.
2) Apparently it may have been a torpedo, and that the Cheonan (the ship in question) may have returned fire at "something to the north."

I guess the phrase, "every initial report is wrong," comes into play.

Well I'm sure information control is in place.

The crew will be debriefed to ascertain what happened, but one initial report cited an explosion in the rear hull of the ship. The class of corvette sunk does have a hull mounted sonar...DPRK also has 22 Romeos.
While nobody can say for sure, I'd be curious to know what else makes a catastrophic explosion/causes a warship to suffer enough damage to actually SINK.

The ROKN has a reputation for being fairly professional mariners...it's not like this is a Third World banana republic gunboat that randomly exploded, and it's not the early 1900's.