I wanna say that sometime in 2004 the min score was somewhere around 92-ish to pass.
4 of my 6 test grades in api were in the 80s, and I got my wings without being rolled back once in primary or advanced. In my opinion, weeding out bad test takers won't necessarily cut down on VT attrition/DOR's. How well you can memorize hundreds of pages in a couple weeks doesn't always correlate to how well you can think on the fly with someone "constructively criticizing" you constantly. Maybe over time the stats will back up their reasoning, maybe they won't. If higher api attrition is what they are looking for, then they'll most likely get it with a shorter syllabus with longer days (i.e. less time to study and prepare). However, the better solution would be to designate fewer SNA's and SNFO's, with higher standards needed to get these billets. Can anyone say tougher IFS?