When you class up, ask the Coasties and foreign guys for their gouge.
Why? The ELOs and Navygouge.com are all you need son!
When you class up, ask the Coasties and foreign guys for their gouge.
Most Navygouge I've seen is a bit dated. The best stuff I saw was from the Saudi guys. They had whole books of practice tests that closely resembled the actual tests. In my opinion, practice tests are the best form of "gouge".
It is if your goal is to graduate from API so you can go on to the next step.....Primary. If your goal is to be the top dawg in API, then knock yourself out. But while you're studying your ass off to make a 98 or a 100 on that Aero 2 exam, your comrades will be out enjoying themselves creating fun memories. But hey, it's lonely at the top.And for the record, not failing any tests does not equate to succeeding in API.
And for the record, not failing any tests does not equate to succeeding in API. To me, it's the equivalent of making MIF.
For the record- API isn't really flight school. It doesn't really matter how well you do there as long as you pass. How you did in API doesn't mean **** on fam 1. There are plenty of people who smoke API but can't hack it in the plane.
Im pretty sure that not failing any tests does mean success at API...
Those are your words, not ours. No one here is advocating doing the bare minimum. But you need to ask yourself.....is it really worth it to study that extra 2 or 3 hours a night for a mere 2 or 4 extra points? Really, what's the difference between a 96 and 100? Nothing....except bragging rights. Woopty do.I guess it wouldn't be called the minimum if it wasn't acceptable.
For the records, "MAGTF warriors aren't in the *habit patterns* of doing the bare minimum."
Those are your words, not ours. No one here is advocating doing the bare minimum. But you need to ask yourself.....is it really worth it to study that extra 2 or 3 hours a night for a mere 2 or 4 extra points? Really, what's the difference between a 96 and 100? Nothing....except bragging rights. Woopty do.