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Apple iTunes Sales Reach 5 Billion


UAL CA; retired hinge
Just download the music from iTunes, burn it to a CD, delete the files off your computer and then rip the CD back onto your computer.

It's a hassle, very time consuming, and I'm fairly certain you lose sound quality by decompressing it then compressing it again.

Buy DRM-free and you don't have to worry about it ... as long Apple is selling 5 billion+ songs, they'll never be pressed to go DRM-free. iTunes has no trouble importing DRM-free MP3's to your iPod.


Super Moderator
Endless options with that one, huh kid?

Yeah, I thought the Prowler guy with the Women's Studies degree was the best I had heard......

Back to our regularly scheduled thread.......iTunes and Apple are both good deals in my opinion, I don't have a complaint with either one.


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
Just download the music from iTunes, burn it to a CD, delete the files off your computer and then rip the CD back onto your computer. The files are then not protected because CD players would not read them.

Sounds like a pretty good, but at times time consuming, option. Thanks.

-ea6bflyr ;)


The Dude abides....
Yeah, if I could do it all over again, I would have just got a regular mp3 player and stuck with musicmatch.com

No DRM, and a much better selection than iTunes. I mean seriously, I paid for the music, why can't I use it as I please? Instead of just burning an mp3 CD with 300+ songs for my car, why do I have to buy an iTunes attachment for my car CD player? Seems like just another way for Apple to make more money. Like I said, if I could do it all over again... But unfortunately, I paid way too much for my iPod to justify going back.


There shouldn't be anything sold by apple that you would have to buy to make it work in your car. If you want an MP3 player to work in a car you have to buy an accessory whether that be cable that plugs into your AUX port on your newer model CD player or in your car or one of those FM transmitters you still have to do it with all MP3 players.


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
There shouldn't be anything sold by apple that you would have to buy to make it work in your car. If you want an MP3 player to work in a car you have to buy an accessory whether that be cable that plugs into your AUX port on your newer model CD player or in your car or one of those FM transmitters you still have to do it with all MP3 players.

I had to buy something like that for the car I was driving for awhile as it was a 1996 model. This thing plugged into my cig lighter and played through my radio. In my new car what you're describing is true. I just had to go out and buy a $7 cord that plugged into the AUX jack through the headphone jack on the ipod.


Yea I have like a tapedeck item and charger for my bronco. But I'd have to buy the same stuff for any other MP3 player. I agree that iTunes should be DRMFree but it's always been kind of a non-issue for me. Only thing is if you lose it you lose it and can't get it back which stinks.


Life is Gouda
i prefer to support local music and touring bands. buy the cds at the merch booth at their shows. usually no more than 10 bones for a full length and 5 bucks for an EP. Or via mailorder from sites like www.interpunk.com

THEN, I'll load it into iTunes. As for buying off iTunes, have done it a few times and it sucks that it's locked w/ the DRM bs. I'm sure the bands don't see much money from it either...


How do you fly a Clipper?
i prefer to support local music and touring bands. buy the cds at the merch booth at their shows. usually no more than 10 bones for a full length and 5 bucks for an EP. Or via mailorder from sites like www.interpunk.com

THEN, I'll load it into iTunes. As for buying off iTunes, have done it a few times and it sucks that it's locked w/ the DRM bs. I'm sure the bands don't see much money from it either...

Nope...the record labels take just about all of the money left after iTunes gets its share. Hang in there though...the tides of revolution are stirring. Look at what Radiohead just did http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21456074/

Their success has really paved the way for a lot of up-and-coming artists to get away from the record label machine.


Yea I did that Radiohead thing. It was really neat. Bands make their money from merch anyways. Which is very disappointing and also a reason why a lot of bands start their own label.


UAL CA; retired hinge
Yeah, if I could do it all over again, I would have just got a regular mp3 player and stuck with musicmatch.com ... ... But unfortunately, I paid way too much for my iPod to justify going back.
I'm probably out to lunch & just misunderstood what you are saying, but none of my MP3's (all DRM free and none bought from Apple) have any issues working on my iPod Nano. I just drag the MP3 from a folder on my desktop to my iPod folder in iTunes. That's what I'm not understanding ... there are options out there for DRM-free music that work just fine on iPods, so why buy from iTunes?

I like my Ipod, but I'll never buy music from Apple as long as they sell music with DRM.



Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
I hope, for your sake, you have all your purchased music backed up either on another HD or CD/DVD. If your computer Hard Drive crashes or dies, you have just thrown away all that money and Apple will not allow you to re-download the song for free.....even though you bought it once.

And that, my friend, is utter bullsh!t. My computer died within warranty and HP refunded it fully. But to my surprise, I couldn't redownload the songs I had bought a week before.

To that I say: go F#ck yourselves, San Diego.


San Diego? Don't you mean Cupertino?

That's always been a piss off of mine with iTunes. That you can't redownload. I've lost a song or two that way.


Does not play well with others!™
That's always been a piss off of mine with iTunes. That you can't redownload. I've lost a song or two that way.

Same here, not only do I back them up on external HD, I also burn them to CD or DVD. I've also had an external HD crap out on me. I lost a lot of stuff off that drive and never recovered it.