I think the problem with academia is that deadlines really don't apply in that world. I've basically heard people say that in many circumstances they are really just suggestions. Fortunately my advisor did an internship at the VA when he was younger and knows that the military and related agencies work a tad differently to say the least.
I dunno...maybe.
In the world of chemistry graduate programs, everyone is expected to sacrifice everything upon the alter of the Ph.D. (family, friends, etc.) I am pretty sure they were dragging their feet because they didn't want to let go of some super cheap labor (aka me).
But they were some damn fine letters of recommendation. It just was a bridge I could never return, too. Once I asked for those letters...it was almost a no coming back sort of situation. Not that I regret it one bit, to be perfectly honest!
Anyone else here jumping at the sound of their phones? I think I know what it feels like to be a 16 year old girl waiting for a call/text!