Well-Known Member
It's not that my recruiter won't let me, it's just that he said a letter from an optometrist would probably not help. I don't quite understand that considering the cases of dfred and others.
The earliest appointment time I could get is this Friday, so I'll be getting my depth perception retested. Which test did you take the second time?
My recruiter left a message today (we couldn't get a hold of each other) saying that he wants to verify that I would be interested in going to OCS under a Pilot billet with the condition that if I do not pass my flight physical, that I would continue as a NFO. I should be happy but I'm a little skeptical since no one has heard of this, and NavyOffRec has said one must be PQ in order to go to OCS under a Pilot billet. Although I'd be happy to be an NFO if I'm not PQ for SNA, I'm afraid that, with the above arrangement, I'd be more likely to become an NFO and I'd have less leverage in fighting to keep an SNA slot. As crazy as it may be, do you understand my point of view? I think I'd prefer to just see an optometrist, pass the depth perception, and go to OCS under a Pilot billet without any conditions—the way people (like dfred) have done/will do it.
They cannot place any conditions on you, the contracts are standard, no where does it say you will agree to redesignate as a direct accession.
I am guessing you are at one of the districts under the spotlight, several have had more than the average drop for various reasons, but a drop is a drop, and a drop results in a call from CNRC (1 star) to Region (Capt) to NRD (CDR) to OR. It doesn't matter what the drop was for, this still happens, the more drops an NRD gets the more heat they get, so I am guessing your NRD is getting heat.
DON'T FEEL PRESSURED, this is your life not theirs.