Where's the Scooter Pic? (I didn't want a Klingon!)
A4sForever said:
... like you know what "Bebop" is ....
You mean, JAZZ?????:icon_wink
Nothing's taken personally HERE --- not by me --- I read your "other" post ... and you're still wrong. You evidently have limited experience with what it takes to be an officer and a gentleman or the standards required. Officers and Gentlemen do not subscribe to the behavior that you think compulsive and I think repulsive.
Hey commander, I'm a grown man, I can take this criticism.
I'm highly aware of the the standards of being an officer and a gentleman. I was a commissioned Jarhead and later a Dogface, and now I'm with the 2dCivDiv. Unfortunately, (again from my VERY FIRST post), there are no perfect societies, and I've known really good officers and ones that are fake and like to "play the system" to get ahead.
There ARE "different possibilities", as you point out. Just not the one you postulate, i.e., "anyone can commit rape".
I'll take the heat for the "anyone" comment, but I won't take the heat for "putting up false fronts" (and good ones at that) comment, because those *******s are out there.
No problem. You're just wrong ..... but it's a "big sky" ... even enough room there for former Army personnel and "analysts". :icon_wink
See last answer.
Perhaps you can learn something more about what it takes to be a Naval Officer and Gentleman on this forum... or perhaps not.
If I was ten years younger, I would probably go for a USN commission. Besides learning, I like "doing" too! Hey, does your 747 jump back in time???:icon_smil But I love my analyst job real good and I'm too old to even get a commission in the USNR.
....and the bonus derived from flying the Pacific for 25 years on the backside of a clock ??? :sleep_125 I learn to get by on 4-5 hours sleep a day. And still fly a 747. How about ... you???
Do you get to do the Atlantic too? I'd like to ride your plane!!!!! Deustchland is where I want to go!
Limes are the answer. SEE ??? I kiss at the Army and analysts. XOXOXOXOXOXO
How 'bout a
hug commander????
Nice photo, looks like a Klingon. From the "bomb" posts, I was expecting an A-4 Skyhawk photo screaming low in anger for its target!!!!