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Are you using AI - and how?


Registered User
I'm not familiar with the specifics of Stanford's CS program.

Having said that, elite programs aren't about leaving out information. It's the difference between learning from people who used cutting edge search algorithms for Google and encryption to protect sensitive information for large businesses vs. a career professor teaching you stuff he learned 20 years ago in graduate school and writes just enough papers to keep his job.

You will also learn that 20 year old stuff in a top program, but it's not the culminating topic of the curriculum.

As an example, scholars were teaching the heliocentric model long before it became common accepted knowledge.

More to the point: AI isn't going to return answers on anything that is cutting edge, it only returns mainstream knowledge. And the real danger is that it will tell you ground breaking research is wrong.

Education is about developing a deeper understanding about a topic. AI can only explain the understanding that already exists.
OTOH though, the career professor may have refined their methods of teaching to be razor sharp, whereas the professor in the top program who did cutting edge research may not have the first clue how to go about teaching their field and sometimes it isn't even the professor that teaches at such schools, it is a TA. So more lowly-seeming teaching-oriented schools can give great education.

For example, if you are studying aerospace engineering and have to take a difficult course on thermodynamics, the guy (or gal!) who's been teaching it for thirty years might give you a far better understanding of it than the guy who helped design the F-22 Raptor and has various security clearances and is one of the Pentagon's go-to people on the subject but is otherwise totally inept at how to teach their knowledge.


FERS and TSP contributor!
Do yourself a favor and update your knowledge and understanding on the current state of AI. An interview of Sam Altman - probably one of the most important humans on earth right now:



Weather Guesser
Chat GPT makes up fake sources, and this issue is well known.

If your teachers have only a sliver of awareness of youth culture, a simple lookup of your "sources" can lead you to academic integrity issues.
Thankfully I graduated college in 2013 and use chat gpt for personal research or keeping ideas/characters/scenes organized for writing fiction.
You can also submit PDFs to chat GPT and ask them to search/summarize/compare things.

Also good for terms of service if you're a little curious what you're agreeing to.
Hey chat gpt based on *attached document* please summarize and note any concerns regarding (X-issue) or (Y-issue).
Converts legalese into easy to understand bullet points.


Registered User
Do yourself a favor and update your knowledge and understanding on the current state of AI. An interview of Sam Altman - probably one of the most important humans on earth right now:

Keep in mind though that Altman is not an AI expert. He dropped out of Stanford two years into a computer science degree, and from what I've read, it was other Ph.D computer scientists who developed the technology for OpenAI. Now if he himself had developed it, that would be different, but I do not believe he did. So he's not really qualified to talk about what the future of it (AI) holds, IMO.
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