Tough to get into specifics here, for obvious reasons, but the F2T2 problem at extreme standoff ranges is a tough nut to crack. So, while we do the work on that (and other) issues, integrating EABO hasn't been a priority. That's not to say work isn't being done, but it's not the main line of effort for our WDCs.
It makes sense but maybe you’re mistaken with my previous comment. I’m not stating that your WDCs need to take on developing and implementing new Marine doctrine. (Although I’m sure the expertise would be greatly beneficial). MAGTF-TC and CD&I will be doing most of the weightlifting in terms of fleshing that all out (hopefully).
Integration/support at the numbered fleet and group level with the appropriate C2 structure is what I’m getting at. This is all new territory to everyone, so I imagine it will increase with time once more Naval officers understand the requirements. Replicating a naval engagement is not something the Marines have done since WWII.