Pointers for taking the ASTB
Hi everyone. I took the ASTB yesterday ( 5 Jan 2006) in Gainesville and thought that I would try to give you guys some tips since I used the gouge here on Airwarriors so much myself.
First, I would highly recommend the ARCO book. I know others have said that it doesn't really help that much, but I don't agree. At least not for the form that I took. Several of the questions that I had in the Math and Mechanical Comp sections were the same as they were in the ARCO book, only they had different numbers. If you are studying for the ASTB and don't have this book, find it on the internet or buy it from a bookstore NOW. I felt that it helped me quite a bit.
Secondly, use the Marine gouge. Know how to apply the concepts listed in it.
I don't think that any of the study guides that I used were a good representation as to what I saw on the Spacial Apperception. I did very well on the practice tests in the ARCO book and on the guides I found on the internet, but the time limit killed me on the real test. The drawings were quite a bit different versus what were in the guides. You must work quickly on this section!
The reading comprehension was a little tougher than I had anticipated as well. Again, time is a factor here. I have always been an "English person," but found myself reading through the passages six or seven times trying to get the answer. I found that several of the passages were kind of tricky to read.
The easiest part of the test(for me anyways) was the Aviation/Nautical information section. You should know about all of the control surfaces of an airplane, the kinds of altitude (density, pressure, etc), how altitude affects lift, parts of ships (freeboard, draft, forcastle, etc). Know about runways, how they're numbered and so on. My brother is currently training for his private pilot's liscense, and I found a couple of his books extremely helpful for this section. The best one that I used was Jeppesen's Private Pilot Handbook (ISBN 0-88487-333-1). If you can find this book used on the web I'd highly recommend it. It covers everything you would need to know.
That's all that I can think of right now. If I remeber any other good pointers I'll post them for you guys. Good luck and GO GATORS!