I have spent countless hours exploring the gouge and advice on Air Warriors for the ASTB and first I'd just like to say thanks to all because this site is GOLDEN. I take the exam tomorrow at noon and I am putting the finishing touches on my studying. I came across some good information and resources which may be posted elsewhere (in which case you can ignore me) that really helped me study. Here is a link which has some helpful study guides on some Mechanical Comprehension Concepts and explanations, and examples of the Spatial Apperception along with more ASTB info. Also, here is some information on important things to know and study for the Aviation/Nautical Supplement:
You should be somewhat familiar with the following aviation and nautical concepts for the Aviation and Nautical Information Test portion.
Navy Aircraft Designations
Navy and Marine Corps jet and helo types and purposes
Navy Ship Designations
E.G. Carrier – CV, Amphibious ships – L**, Nuclear powered **N, Destroyer - DDG
Ship terminology
Lights on a ship
Color schemes (e.g. vest colors of personnel working on flight deck, pipe colors and what
they mean)
Greenwich Meantime Definition
Military Time and Zulu time
Control surfaces-what they do
Other surfaces-what they do (e.g. flaps, slats, vertical stabilizer, landing gear)
Forces acting on an aircraft
Sections of an aircraft-names and function
Propeller blade design and purpose
Fuselage design
Basic Pilotage
Right of way when approaching another aircraft head on
Standard day
Transponder settings
Turbulence conditions – types and what to do if you encounter
Runway headings
Lights on a runway/airport – color and function
What is the definition of a high performance aircraft
Wind effects on landing
Types of clouds and conditions associated with them
Types of approach lighting
Wind headings
Difference between magnetic north and true north
Lost communication light signals from a control tower
Hazards to flying (e.g. turbulence, thunderstorms, icing)
Things affecting lift on an aircraft
Air Density
Density altitude
Bernoullis Principle
Pressure and volume/velocity relationship
Basic Navy History
Year founded
All Aircraft Instruments and what they do
How is lift generated
Wingtip vortices
Components of an airfoil
Basic helicopter aerodynamics
What causes a stall
Different types of drag
How is lift affected when close to the ground
Significant astronaut missions
Significant milestones in aviation history ( e.g. first woman to fly solo across atlantic ocean, who broke sound barrier, first jet to fly combat mission)
Aerospace physiology
Physiological effects of flying on pilots – i.e. hypoxia, spatial disorientation, etc
I hope this info is helpful. I just wanted to give a little back to you all for giving so much to me. I'll let you all know how I do on the test tomorrow!