I took the same test last friday and got an 8/7/8 67. Did you not take the computer test? it gave the scores instantly. I was a bit disappointed with my pilot score, but my recruiter seemed happy with it so if he's happy, then i'm happy. A former NFO at the recruiting office said that 67 was the highest she's seen. but who cares, i wanted a 9 on my pilot portion, oh well.
the question about adding a person every hour was crazy, completely guessed that one, but an "educated guess"
it was something like, if x number of people takes 10 hours to finish Y amount of work, what time will they finish if they start at 10 am and add one person every hour after 12pm. or something like that.
There's a question that asks something like... "whats the name of a full capacity nuclear ship..." can't remember the exact question but the choices were CVG, CGG, ___, ___. I guessed CVG but i'm sure most of you know the answers to that... i knew nothing about aviation, nautical, navy history, physics, etc before i started studying for ASTB so I didnt get to cover everything before the test. Why the heck did I study Economics in college. oh well, atleast it pays my bills while i'm waiting to hear back.