FINAL SELECT!! + SF86 hell story
So, after months and months and months, I finally got my final select and OCS date. But let me tell you a little about the hell that is the SF86.
I applied for BDCP back in March 2009, and received my pro-rec June 24, 2009. I was incredibly excited and knew that I would be on my way to becoming an officer and getting into the BDCP program. Little did I know that the SF86 was going to make my waiting absolutely terrible.
So after I get my pro-rec, my PRT and MEPS was already complete. My SF86 had already been done as well, so I thought that all I had to do was wait for my final select. After waiting 2 weeks, I checked in and was informed that my SF86 had some errors because they changed some questions that needed to be re-checked and put in. After I finished and the form said that it was clear, I emailed me recruiter and let him know. A day later, he told me that it went through the first check but failed at the "2nd stage" checks. After trying to fix it 3 more times, I FINALLY got the SF86 submitted.
2 weeks later, I was told to come into the office and sign some release forms for an FBI agent to be assigned to my case. I was told to sign my name as legibly as possible, and to be completely within the box. I did this, as meticulously as humanly possible. After I faxed them in, I was told to wait 3 days so we could check on the status. 3 days later, one of my 3 pages didn't go through, so I had to re-sign and resubmit and re-fax all of them again.
Again, I had to wait 3 days. This time, it said that they were accepted! (yey!) so now all I have to do is wait for my final select letter to be signed right? Wrong. THREE WEEKS later, I call to check in and make sure everything is ok my recruiter says that my SF86 signature pages were NOT accepted, and 1 of the pages never got received (even though the system said that it was) and they couldn't assign an agent for my background check. So I had to re-fax the pages AGAIN and wait three more days to see if the first computer check registered them. Well, 3 days later (and by the way, it's never 3 days. If I sign it on thursday, we can't check until tuesday of the next week) it says that the pages were rejected, and this time I had faxed them in from the recruiting office.
So by this point I am more than frustrated. I was told we had to purge my security clearance, and re-do EVERYTHING including the NASIS. I had to wait two weeks for my file to be purged, and then re-do everything. After I redid everything, I had to wait another 3 days to see if the computer accepted the faxed sheets. Three days later, the computer said they got accepted. I had to wait another three weeks to see if they could assign an agent to my security check. This time, FINALLY, they received the pages and my account was assigned an agent.
NOW, it was time to wait for my final select. I was told it would be 3-4 weeks, but low and behold 4 days later I was told my letter was written and being routed to the regional office to be signed. I then got my OCS date, which is May 30, 2010 (WOOT!!!) and just waited for about two weeks to go and swear in.
Moral of the story? I would have been sworn in almost two months earlier if we didn't have to worry about the stupid SF86. It is hell, and don't even think that it will be as easy as 1-2-3 to get that sucker accepted.
/end rant