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August 2011 Board


I feel you guys about the job stuff. I have been working my behind off up here, and if the Navy says no for me the next day will be shotgun blasting resumes to every airline out there. I REALLY hope that isn't the case. I just passed MEPS last week....fun stuff. 200 people processing and I met about 3 other Navy guys almost all the rest were Army. This last period of hurry up and wait has been the most nerve-wracking. Good luck everybody!

I had a similar experience at MEPS. I was also one of two officer applicants; they had no idea how to handle me.

Pilot Paul

Pro Rec SNA
Yeah, me too, I was the only officer applicant and because of that I had an equal number of people streamlining the process and people giving me extra grief.


Pro-rec SNA
Has anyone resubmitting here had to get an approval from cnrc to resubmit? My recruiter and processor said they "submitted" my package and they're awaiting cnrc to approve it since it's a resubmit... Why is it awaiting approval? I thought that you only have to get it approved it it was before 6 months? Is this the point with the boards being so close I should be talking to someone else. My processor is new and my recruiter is newer.. So it's like the blind leading the blind. Anyone ever call millington here? Is that something I should do? What do you guys think.. I don't want to miss this board.. Especially since I'm awaiting approval for something I don't believe I even need approval for and sitting here wasting time.

What is the contact info for CNRC (millington) ?


New Member
Mailed out my package today, should be there before noon tomorrow.... Fleet processor told me that the dead line is 25th July, good luck everybody!!!!


Pro-rec SNA
OKay so here is the deal you guys were throwing me off with your package sumbissions.. So apparently regardless of new or resubmission after 6 months, you need to be approved by cnrc to be in the board. So all of you guys stating your recruiter just submitted you, you're not actually in until millington sends the approval they put you on the board.. So I would call a couple times to confirm they approved your package or at least it is in the process, especially since Monday is the last day.

Just because your NRD sumbitted it doesn't gurntee you to be on the board list. It has to be stamped approval by CNRC.. Hope that helps.


Just as an add on, the cleared by cnrc has always been the case. They basically go through and verify that you meet requirements and such. However, the minimum requirements are not always used, each board can raise or lower them based on the applicant pool and how many people they need. Hence why most recruiters want your stuff prior to the 25th. Since this hasn't been brought up before it is likely cnrc is using a finer toothed comb this time due to the number of applicants wanting to be seen.
So are you saying that I had to do an additional submission/crnc approval even though my package has been at millington since the beginning of March/end of February for that board?
So I would call a couple times to confirm they approved your package or at least it is in the process, especially since Monday is the last day.
Call Who? Did you call the CNRC for this info or did you get it through your recruiter? I am planning on giving my recruiter a call later today but he usually doesn't seem to know much about this stuff.


Pro-rec SNA
Your recruiter
Call Who? Did you call the CNRC for this info or did you get it through your recruiter? I am planning on giving my recruiter a call later today but he usually doesn't seem to know much about this stuff.
Your recruiter or processor. Keep up on them.. I heard this from my processor.


Eagle, are you resubmitting after non-select or did your pro rec expire? I'm in the latter group and my recruiter and processor have been working very closely with Millington to figure out what exactly is required in my circumstance since I'm a bit of an oddity. My apologies if any of my advice got you all mixed up.


Pro-rec SNA
Eagle, are you resubmitting after non-select or did your pro rec expire? I'm in the latter group and my recruiter and processor have been working very closely with Millington to figure out what exactly is required in my circumstance since I'm a bit of an oddity. My apologies if any of my advice got you all mixed up.
Im a non select.. But your process is prb the same..


Pro-Rec INTEL Aug board
To all personnel applying for OCS and expecting to be reviewed come this AUG. I just spoke with the Fleet OCS POC and this is what I got. The only boards that are canceled are the SWO and SWO option board. Look at your packages and if you are applying for SWO/SWO-IP/SWO-IW/SWO-METOC, etc... your package will not be reviewed. INTEL will be doing boards but they do not expect to select anyone or at least not mane. If you are applying for a direct IP/IW then your package will indeed be reviewed. Know that there is a difference between SWO-IP (11603) and IP (16200). There isn't a new schedule for next FY boards but you can expect it to be some time in the second quarter of FY12.


New Member
To all personnel applying for OCS and expecting to be reviewed come this AUG. I just spoke with the Fleet OCS POC and this is what I got. The only boards that are canceled are the SWO and SWO option board. Look at your packages and if you are applying for SWO/SWO-IP/SWO-IW/SWO-METOC, etc... your package will not be reviewed. INTEL will be doing boards but they do not expect to select anyone or at least not mane. If you are applying for a direct IP/IW then your package will indeed be reviewed. Know that there is a difference between SWO-IP (11603) and IP (16200). There isn't a new schedule for next FY boards but you can expect it to be some time in the second quarter of FY12.

Miguel, who was the Fleet OCS POC if I may ask? It is very hard to get anyone from CNRC (OCS) to give solid answers, everyone is so vague with information now. When I ask to speak with a OCS POC regarding quotas, program, and boards I get unsure silence and transferred to POCs voice-mail.


Pro-Rec INTEL Aug board
SodiumLeak, I cant say for obvious privacy reasons but if you have been in the military before you would know that everything is always vague and unsure. ocsquestions@navy.mil is a good email address and they do reply to fleet applicants. Most people coming from a college using a non-.mil address will have to unfortunately deal with the recruiters. Recruiters recruit and knowing the "process" and "schedule" is overachieving so most of them don't do it.
http://www.cnrc.navy.mil/Publications/NOTICES/Master N31 FY11 BOARDSHEET 15Apr11.pdf
That is the link for the board schedules as it currently stands. It should be revised Aug/Sep timeframe. As far as quotas, you will never know. I am actually pretty sure that they dont even know. The only thing I can say is, put in your package (i put mine in in february) and just submit updates to it before the scheduled convening dates (will do that tomorrow).
If you have any specific questions about the program let me know and i'll see what I can find.