SodiumLeak, I cant say for obvious privacy reasons but if you have been in the military before you would know that everything is always vague and unsure. is a good email address and they do reply to fleet applicants. Most people coming from a college using a address will have to unfortunately deal with the recruiters. Recruiters recruit and knowing the "process" and "schedule" is overachieving so most of them don't do it. N31 FY11 BOARDSHEET 15Apr11.pdf
That is the link for the board schedules as it currently stands. It should be revised Aug/Sep timeframe. As far as quotas, you will never know. I am actually pretty sure that they dont even know. The only thing I can say is, put in your package (i put mine in in february) and just submit updates to it before the scheduled convening dates (will do that tomorrow).
If you have any specific questions about the program let me know and i'll see what I can find.