I second what was echoed earlier in that it is really nice to have you aboard millsra13. An inside look at Millington is rare at the very least.
I'm in the midst of changing recruiters and was sad to see my former one go on to bigger and better things. He was a on point all the time and unfortunately I haven't yet had the chance to establish a rapport with my new one.
Anyways, I am a Midshipman in Hampton Roads NROTC (studying underwater basket weaving) and I am also going up in this board.(Like many bumped from April) I am what is called a "College Programmer" which means I do not receive financial backing from the Navy for school, but a Commission. Entering my Junior year has opened several opportunities, as well as compromising situations. I was offered the Captain's "Leadership Scholarship" in which the Navy would pick up my tuition for the next two years. I turned it down however because I am applying for BDCP AND it would require me to take Calc 1&2/ Physics 1&2 which would kill my GPA>Decrease my chances for service selection>Shoot myself in the foot in the long run.
I was picked up for what is called "Advanced Standing" which would give me a small ($350) stipend for the next two years but doing so would disqualify me from going active duty in BDCP. (see attachment-page 3, paragraph 5d) So, I am waiting to sign the paperwork with ROTC until I hear back from this board aiming to get PRO-Rec'd.
Days ago, I was thrown another loop. My XO informed me that because of my class standing, I was being offered a full tuition scholarship paid for by my University- but that I had to sign the paperwork for the Navy first.(No calc and phys required) I told him about my situation and he suggested waiting to sign the paperwork in hopes of being Pre-selected for BDCP with active duty pay. I agreed and ultimately could not resist the opportunity/lure to be pre-selected as a pilot(and pay off some of my current debt-$16,000) and I deferred the SECOND scholarship offered to me. It is a huge, massive(and hopefully not foolish) gamble. A bird in the hand is really worth two in the bush in this case.
My package in summary looks something like:
ASTB- 5,6,5 OAR 53 (You guys are killing me with these high scores)
B.S. Communications- 3.77 GPA, Minor- Military Leadership
Hampton Roads NROTC College Programmer
ODU Aviation Club President
Sailing Team Member
2 Hours in a C-172
3 other clubs
Interview- Active Duty O-8 RADM, Scored 10
LOR's from O-6, O-4, O-3, Boss of 5 years, College Professor
I am eagerly awaiting the results of this board. I want and need this badly. I hope to see those of us active in the forums get picked up.