Fastestfoot- Well, to answer your question, there are numerous reasons.
First and foremost, I would be remiss if I did not point out that I am actually very happy in my current position. Having had the opportunity to serve over these past 17 years, I would tell you that serving this nation - in any capacity - is a high honor. I've been around the world. I've seen some of the most opulent places on Earth, as well as some of the most abject poverty this world has to offer. This nation is, by far, the best place to live. To serve her, in my estimation, is to love her- even with all her imperfections.
So, my decision to pursue a commission has nothing to do with being unhappy. I would say that the main reason is actually because I am so very happy to serve. Over the course of my career, I've acquired skill sets which I believe can be leveraged to the Navy's advantage in the Wardroom. I feel the need to contribute to my Navy in the kind of long range forward-thinking ways which typify a Naval Officer. Because I believe I have an ability to bring more to the table in terms of service to my country, I believe I have a responsibility to try to do so.
I chose the OCS route vice LDO for other reasons. I did not enter the Navy with a college degree. I enlisted at 18, knowing that this was something bigger and more important than just 'me'. I spent a large portion of my career in Special Operations, working alongside SEAL and SF Teams as a tactical communicator. This did not leave me much time for college, as the mission was pretty all-inclusive, and my schedule was...well...never a schedule. I wrestled with the idea of applying for LDO (Limited Duty Officer), as that program did not require a degree. However, along with the skill sets that I acquired, I also acquired four beautiful daughters. My father (who is exceptionally aged) was 7 years old when the Great Depression hit. He never finished 7th grade. I decided that it was more important to finish my degree, and to set a very specific example for my girls, then to apply for a commission at that time. So, I took a 'shore tour', went to school full time, and finished my degree. By the time I was ready to apply for commission, I had just a little too much time in to apply for LDO.
To answer another part of your question: I would tell you that a seasoned enlisted man with years of service can bring a LOT to a wardroom. I've seen it, and continue to see it every day. Depending upon the range of skills and experience being brought to bear, an O1E is not actually 'starting over as a butter bar'. As a Chief, a huge part of my job is to train new Junior Officers. They cannot be expected to know every regulation and understand every nuance of their new positions when they walk onboard their new ships for the first time. A Chief Petty Officer who attains a commission is already seasoned, and can be of tremendous value to not only a Commanding Officer, but to junior members of the wardroom as well.
Well, I know I've been a bit verbose in this response, but I felt it deserved more than a cursory reply. I wish you, and everyone else here on this message board, the very best of luck in your attempts to commission as Naval Officers. I can tell you that there is no higher honor than to serve and to lead the men and women of the US Navy into the future.