Hypothetical questions, huh??? From previous experience, one could speculate that you're talking about YOURSELF.......So, there are people with a 2.4, former coke addiction, arson conviction, and bad credit that are in the pipeline?.....
my GPA was sub 2.4....not proud of that...but it didn't preclude me from getting wings.
Yeah, but you're a MARINE ... this guy wants to be NAVAL, repeat: NAVAL, Aviation ...2.65 GPA (1.96 in HS), horrible credit, DUI arrest under my belt. Please notice the wings...
Hypothetical questions, huh??? From previous experience, one could speculate that you're talking about YOURSELF.
If so ... forget it. You ain't gonna make it. You are toast.
Yep, hyphothetical questions. I graduated with a 3.1 undergrad and a 2.97 grad. Never took an illegal drug in my life. Hadn't had an alcoholic drink in over a year. Never even been tipsy and certainly never been drunk. No convictions but I was expelled from high school activities for fighting. I do have fair credit but 100g debt (because of school).
Then good on 'ya ... and why would you care about a "hypothetical" downside ... ??? You've got good enough stats to make it .... buena suerte, Amigo.Yep, hyphothetical questions. I graduated with a 3.1 undergrad and a 2.97 grad. Never took an illegal drug in my life. Hadn't had an alcoholic drink in over a year. Never even been tipsy and certainly never been drunk. No convictions but I was expelled from high school activities for fighting. I do have fair credit but 100g debt (because of school).
Everyone knows that --- i.e., you were a COD driver.I was a man whore
Cuz a 2.97 and a 3.1 aren't that competitive. I'm good when it comes to the criminal stuff but the credit history is what's scaring me. I've skipped monthly payments before; presently, I am all current with my cards but I had a charge off back in 01. Then, you add all of my school loans, I'm worried about how that will reflect.
So, if knowing that there are people will four strikes against them getting on board then I'd feel a heap of a lot better.