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Average NSS score range for aircraft selection


Hello all, I am currently signed up for the next SNA board and am wondering what the NSS score ranges are for the different aircraft pipelines. I am mostly interested in the e6 and p8 and am wondering how well enough I would need to do to obtain one of these. Of course, I know that the needs of the Navy change week after week.
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The answer is it depends. One week there may be a draft for a particular pipeline, then no spots for several weeks.

The advice most here will give you is to keep an open mind about your “selection” and do the best you can during each phase of training to have the best chance of getting what you want when the day comes.

For now keep working out, find a hobby, and don’t get too far ahead of the apple cart.


Nerd Whirler
Are you tall?
Used to be a large sitting eye height or head-to-buttocks length would preclude you from jets.


Well-Known Member
Very generally speaking, if helicopters or P8s are your first choice, you’ll probably get them.


Well-Known Member
I dont like the answer "it depends" but "it depends". Primary sections play out like slot machines for one week then predictably standardized on others.

Read my section on "NSS/Grades"

In general, people get one of the 3 choices they put on their list. Generally, E6/P8 selectors finished above a 50.....
However, as a recent anecdote, one of my friends smoked primary with a high NSS chasing a P8 slot (wanted anything that wasn't helo).... they got helo drafted.
Another peer of mine cruised controlled through primary, finished with a low NSS, P8 select.

E6 gets even weirder bc of low selection #s. You can have the grades, put it #1, but it was never in the cards bc you don't know what CNATRA is taking that week.

Do the best you can, study and keep a good attitude because those are the elements in selection you have control over.


Well-Known Member
Around the time I selected, a couple people who didn’t even put E6s down got drafted to drive the big 4 engine preciousness. I’ve seen people get a 43 NSS and select P8s, and people with 50+ not get them. Do your best and don’t worry about it. Moreover, you are getting way ahead of yourself. Focus on getting selected and graduating OCS, trust me, you’ll have plenty of time to worry about Primary once you step foot in the mighty Texan.


New Member
For the FO side of the house, if you put E6 they will likely accommodate because it’s easier if the 10-15 people annually sent E6’s want the platform. Or you get voluntold Oklahoma anyways. For SNAs it might be different with the offer of multi-engine delta dollars.


New Member
Not trying to ask the same question or take away from what the OP was asking by any means, but on the student side, not the selection side, how sought after is the E-2 track? I have read about some of the other communities on this forum being highly sought after by students, but I have not seen (more than likely through a lack of searching) how sought after the E-2 track is after primary.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to ask the same question or take away from what the OP was asking by any means, but on the student side, not the selection side, how sought after is the E-2 track? I have read about some of the other communities on this forum being highly sought after by students, but I have not seen (more than likely through a lack of searching) how sought after the E-2 track is after primary.
It has similarities to the E6 in that you never know when they'll be selecting it that week.
However, due to it being "tailhook", it has a minimum NSS requirement of 50.

The selection secret is if you put jets, you are ALSO putting the E2 down. So most of the E2 selects are folks who wanted jets.
E2 has a very long pipeline as you do fixed wing advance followed by the jet syllabus, so for many, it becomes less desirable as they progress through Primary.

I don't know anyone personally who put down the E2 by the end of Primary. They were all chosen by the disc queen and are happy.
In terms of how competitive it is, you have to do well in Primary due to min NSS req then hope they have a slot that week.
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Well-Known Member
Not trying to ask the same question or take away from what the OP was asking by any means, but on the student side, not the selection side, how sought after is the E-2 track? I have read about some of the other communities on this forum being highly sought after by students, but I have not seen (more than likely through a lack of searching) how sought after the E-2 track is after primary.
You don’t choose E-2s, E-2s choose you. Only bitter people in the community were just bitter people though


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
I dont like the answer "it depends" but "it depends". Primary sections play out like slot machines for one week then predictably standardized on others.

Read my section on "NSS/Grades"

In general, people get one of the 3 choices they put on their list. Generally, E6/P8 selectors finished above a 50.....
However, as a recent anecdote, one of my friends smoked primary with a high NSS chasing a P8 slot (wanted anything that wasn't helo).... they got helo drafted.
Another peer of mine cruised controlled through primary, finished with a low NSS, P8 select.

E6 gets even weirder bc of low selection #s. You can have the grades, put it #1, but it was never in the cards bc you don't know what CNATRA is taking that week.

Do the best you can, study and keep a good attitude because those are the elements in selection you have control over.
So….it depends.


Well-Known Member
E-6s are the weird one. I have heard of people with an NSS in the 30s getting it. I have also seen pretty high NSSs get it. I had a 72 and E-6s #1 and got it. During my time, a lot of people got it as a second choice after P-8s. And some got it without having it on their dream sheet. A lot of stuff goes into selection, mainly needs of the Navy. Stuff like anthros can be a factor as well. A lot of tall people in TACAMO. My advice is to do your best and talk to your IPs about what they flew and what they liked/didn’t like. Just because you have a specific platform in mind doesn’t mean you should not try and learn about others. You might not get your #1 and it’ll be good to have some background. At a minimum, it is good PRODEV. Plus, the more you ask them about their career, the less they will ask you about the hyd system or the Uncommanded Prop Feather EP.