Capt Morgan's
Has to do with seniority, but more importantly, safety.
Those that want to change it say "It is not any less safe for a 65 year old to fly then a 60 year old."
While that may be true on an individual basis (A4 could probably fly circles around 30 year olds), but when taken as a group, there is no way that holds water. Some pilots in the group WILL experience deterioration of skills. The FAA Aviation Medical program is a JOKE that relies on self disclosure to find problems.
Also, the folks that want to raise the age are the same that have benefitted from the current rules for their whole career. It's kind of a "I want my cake and I want yours too." Kind of thing.
Ahhh.. understand.
Yes I agree with you on the FAA Medical program, last time I went in to renew mine the doctor looks at me, looks at my file and says, "Anything changes since the last time we saw each other, (nope) well have you had any nearmisses or concerns (nope) well then I think we are good here, make sure to fill the cup on your way out."
He did a bit more than that but it was pretty close to a walk in walk out deal.:sleep_125