How'd that guy on the left ever fit in an A-4? Bottoming out the ejection seat only gains you so much.
Thread jack continues:
Pic (l-r): LCDR Don Hall, (junior) Lt Phil Gubbins, (junior) Lt "Yours Truly"; (senior) Lt J C Kessler..."Wetback Flight"...VA-95 in Intrepid, 1966...Yankee Station. Wetback lead, 2,4,3 in that order.
Pic is deceiving, in that Don & JC (on the outside) were of average (or a bit over) height...whereas Gubby and I (in the center) were somewhat "vertically challanged"...hence my "Banty" appelation...and Phil was known occasionally as "The Gnome"...LOL!!
Don was later killed during a Case 3 recovery when his A7 impacted the water...JC died after a year long struggle with brain cancer. BTW, Gubby was our squadron LSO...was the one who talked me down (glideslope & line-up) to an OK-3 when I lost all forward visibilty out of cockpit (in monsoon rain - no divert available - no tanker - and damn near no fuel) with no windscreen wiper (A4B)...posted previously.
When it comes to big guys punching out of small airplanes, note the humor in this brief story...knew a Spad driver (A1 RAG IP) in the early sixties who was really big...(forgot his name)...was ordered to an A4 unit, and was quite convinced he'd lose his legs upon ejecting! After considerable study, Medical Corps convinced him he'd be flash forward to 05/13/68...
My very last flight in a USN tactical jet before separation...maintenance test hop an A7 with VA-122 at NLC...beautiful day, go out, wring out the jet, have a ball...on final to NLC, tower reports an A4 just about to eject about ten NM west of the tower...I wave off, scoot over there, and join the fur ball over the downed AC...can see the pilot's ok...then suddenly burst out laughing...just what I need, a midair in the fur ball to screw up all my plans...just before leaving USN for the "Friendly Skies" of UAL...

And you guessed it...pilot involved in the A4 eject (unharmed) was the former East Coast Spad Driver.