**NA = Naval AviatorFlight of the Intruder, as well as Final Countdown, Bat 21, have been a few of my favorite movies,
Just watched Intruder again, and at the end there is something i have never understood.
Been around planes all my life, Boeing, MDC, general aviation, dad flew since he was 11, worked at NAS Whidbey for a NMCI contract etc, but never in the military.
In the movie, Danny Glover must play the CAG or the Air Group Commander, and Jake Grafton must be the squadron commander or leader, since Danny leads the meetings in the Ready Room, and Jake has that one guy come to him in the hanger deck about getting married and such.

**NFO = Naval Flight Officer

Glover is a CDR and the Squadron CO. Grafton is a LT, probably a squadron Divisiom Officer; thus charged with the welfare and counseling of his Sailors.
Nope, Airwings are married to Carriers, they are a team (sailing and flying together).If so, Why, at the end do they talk about Danny Glover getting his own ship and making Admiral? Never been in the navy, but isn't the flying part of the navy, separate from the sailing part of the navy?
It isn't a right, it is the promotion path of the very successful NA/NFO, as (s)he moves upward in the senior gredes..Why would the CAG or Group Commander have right to being a Admiral or Captain of a ship?
They don't decide that, they have to be selected by a board of very senior Officers. After a "ship-driving" seamanship school, they are given command of a large (deep draft) auxiliary ship for 1-1.5 years, to hone their shiphandling skills for carrier command.Gotcha, so he would have to go to "ship sailing school"? if they decided they wanted their own command, or would they already have done that?
Hope this clears things up for you, and BTW In my opinion, The Bridges at Toko-Ri, is the greatest NA movie EVER!

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