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Bhutto assassinated.


New Member
Just heard on the radio that Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for Bhutto's assassination. Anyone else heard the same?


That dog won't hunt, Monsignor!
Just heard on the radio that Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for Bhutto's assassination. Anyone else heard the same?

The only thing I've seen so far about Al Qaeda being blamed is that Musharraf is saying there is evidence of Al Qaeda and Taliban involvement.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071228/ap_on_re_as/pakistan . An interesting point that was discussed earlier that the article overrides is that although it was orginally thought she died of gunshot wounds, the doctor is now stating that it was shrapnel, "No bullet was found in her body".


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
The only thing I've seen so far about Al Qaeda being blamed is that Musharraf is saying there is evidence of Al Qaeda and Taliban involvement.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071228/ap_on_re_as/pakistan . An interesting point that was discussed earlier that the article overrides is that although it was orginally thought she died of gunshot wounds, the doctor is now stating that it was shrapnel, "No bullet was found in her body".

Asia Times quotes al-Qaeda’s top commander for Afghanistan operations and spokesperson Mustafa Abu al-Yazid claiming responsibility.

Interesting (not really) aside to this is that on my IA, I had the enviable task of summarizing all the days news on Afghanistan into a PP slide for the Commanding General of US Forces. Seeing all the TIC reports coming into the JOC one day, and going out in the news the next day, I quickly developed a respect/hate for different news sources. The summary of my findings are as such:

1. Anything out of the US, especially AP, NYT, LAT, is skewed, spun and not exactly the truth.

2. BBC, AFP (Agence French-Presse), and a few Chinese and Pakistani based news agencies tended to be the most accurate, and quoted both US/NATO and AQ/TB sources.

I know what you're thinking - reading the news every day as your contribution to the GWOT must have been soooooooooooo fulfilling.:sleep_125


Kinder and Gentler
Granted, I know nothing about the immediate fall-out after such a chaotic event but isn't it strange that the emergency doctor first declared her dead of gunshot wounds, then a second stated she died of shrapnel wounds, and a third declared she died from head trauma without any gunshot or shrapnel wounds?


If you gotta problem, yo, I'll be part of it.
Granted, I know nothing about the immediate fall-out after such a chaotic event but isn't it strange ...
I do; and no, it isn't strange at all. First, in order for it to be strange, you'd have to make the assumption that the discrepancy lies with the doctors' assessments and not with the reporting of the media.


Kinder and Gentler
I do; and no, it isn't strange at all. First, in order for it to be strange, you'd have to make the assumption that the discrepancy lies with the doctors' assessments and not with the reporting of the media.

I am not convinced that the discrepancy lies with the media; apparently, to clarify my earlier posts, the first reporting of her cause of death came from the ministry, the second reporting from her death came from the surgeon which worked on her, and the final reporting came from the ministry. I guess my confusion comes from what the ministry has released versus what the surgeon stated.


Super Moderator
2. BBC, AFP (Agence French-Presse), and a few Chinese and Pakistani based news agencies tended to be the most accurate, and quoted both US/NATO and AQ/TB sources.

Agree with the above, very good sources of info. You left out Al Jazeera though, it is among the best sources for news from the third world.


I am not convinced that the discrepancy lies with the media; apparently, to clarify my earlier posts, the first reporting of her cause of death came from the ministry, the second reporting from her death came from the surgeon which worked on her, and the final reporting came from the ministry. I guess my confusion comes from what the ministry has released versus what the surgeon stated.

Yes...but where did you read those releases? Just because you heard on CNN that the Pakistani "ministry" (of what BTW) released some "facts" about her death, that information tells you nothing about what the actual source is. Was this a press release? Were they interviewing a senior official? Was the information released in a press conference? Did a junior member of the ministry let slip to a buddy at Reuters that xy and z did it? Those could all be "ministry sources". One of the serious problems with the modern media is that there is very little transparency of sources and in the rush to "press" in modern, fast paced, media consumption there is often no opportunity to coroborate a single source. Cable news networks are notorious for this, and many print media aren't far behind.

On top of all that, the Pakistani "ministry" :)D) is likely a fairly large and complex organization. A signifigant amount of time and institutional hierarchy must be navigated before everyone in such an organization has the same information. Once again, this fact is often lost in the rush to publish...Think you could get two people in the FBI to give two different accounts of the Branch Davidian compound incident in Waco? Bet your @## , and that was a decade ago!


Kinder and Gentler
Yes...but where did you read those releases? Just because you heard on CNN that the Pakistani "ministry" (of what BTW) released some "facts" about her death, that information tells you nothing about what the actual source is. Was this a press release? Were they interviewing a senior official? Was the information released in a press conference? Did a junior member of the ministry let slip to a buddy at Reuters that xy and z did it? Those could all be "ministry sources". One of the serious problems with the modern media is that there is very little transparency of sources and in the rush to "press" in modern, fast paced, media consumption there is often no opportunity to coroborate a single source. Cable news networks are notorious for this, and many print media aren't far behind.

On top of all that, the Pakistani "ministry" :)D) is likely a fairly large and complex organization. A signifigant amount of time and institutional hierarchy must be navigated before everyone in such an organization has the same information. Once again, this fact is often lost in the rush to publish...Think you could get two people in the FBI to give two different accounts of the Branch Davidian compound incident in Waco? Bet your @## , and that was a decade ago!

I got this information from reading CNN and BBC. The most recent news alert on BBC is talking about the conflicting stories regarding her cause of death. In their article, they cite her bodyguard as the person who said she was killed by gunshots. Okay, I can understand his account; but, I am still very much scratching my head that the attending surgeon would report one cause of death and the interior ministry spokesman said another.

Here's the BBC article:


Here's the CNN article:


And here's the part which I am talking about, from the BBC article:

"Brig Cheema said Ms Bhutto had smashed her head against a lever of her car's sun roof.

She was, he said, trying to shelter inside the car from the gunman, who set off a bomb after opening fire with a gun.

A surgeon who treated her, Dr Mussadiq Khan, said earlier she may have died from a shrapnel wound while Ms Bhutto's security adviser, Rehman Malik, said she had been shot in the neck and chest.

Farooq Naik, a senior official in Ms Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party, said the government's explanation of her death was a "pack of lies".
"Two bullets hit her, one in the abdomen and one in the head," he told AFP news agency.

Brig Cheema added that all possible security arrangements had been put in place for Ms Bhutto."

So, again, I am not overly convinced that the fault lies with the media; but, being that it is still chaotic and the ramifications in flux, I am beginning to appreciate how there could be a discrepancy in the reporting.
As tough guy cool as that sounds, you're not a character in a Terminator movie. It's not cool or tough at all. Your attitude is disturbing.

People will be killed. Islamofascism will spread. Children will be killed and maimed. Nuclear weapons will fall into the hands of our enemies if we are not careful. The security of our own nation is seriously threatened. This is very much your problem. If you don't want to take it seriously then get the fuck out of the way.

It's people with attitudes like yours that make me yearn to fight a war on American soil where our own brothers and mothers and dogs and cars and houses get killed and destroyed. Complacency is the bane of my existence. You suck on this particular issue and you get negative rep.

It's not personal. I'll still have a beer with you. I just suggest you reflect on your attitude.

Yeah and the sky is falling too. Lot's of "it's" and some of them might come true, some may not. Kindly remove the dick out of your ass and show me where I claimed to be a internet tough guy? :confused: Pakistan is ALREADY the enemy, should India lower their numbers, so be it. I merely hope it's contained over there, that's all.
I strongly suggest you lay off the crack pipe and rethink your warped thinking. I make you "yearn to fight a war on American soil where our own brothers and mothers and dogs and cars and houses get killed and destroyed". Your words, not mine. If I have that much influence over you that makes you one dumb son of a bitch.
Now with all that out of the way, who buys the first round?