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Big Dilemma


Pavement sucks
Here is my problem: I have been accepted to NC State and Virginia Tech. Until a few minutes ago, I was for sure going to NC State and doing the NROTC college program and trying to get a scholarship after the first year. Now, I was speaking with the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets and they told me I am all but guaranteed to get an Army ROTC scholarship if I go to Tech. The thing is, I would rather be in the Navy than the Army, but a free education is hard to pass up. I was denied for a Navy scholarship in February. What I want to know is if there is any way I can be reconsidered for a NROTC scholarship by the board that awards them or if I can be awarded one at State or Tech.


Don't do something just because of the money. My 2 cents.
From what I hear, you can always reapply for the scholarship. I know it's been covered on the board before.


Registered User
...is any way I can be reconsidered for a NROTC scholarship by the board that awards them or if I can be awarded one at State or Tech.

They won't reconsider for the 4-year. Of course, you can be awarded one if you're there as a College Programmer...if you'd spent about 15 seconds searching that would be clear.

It's ultimately about what you want...for the life of me, I can't understand why someone who wants to be in the Navy would take an Army scholarship. There are MANY ways to pay for college- incurring an obligation for service in a branch and a job you don't want is a really stupid way to pay for school.


Work hard your freshman year and apply for the Navy 3 year scholarship. Don't jump ship (no pun intended) just because an army recruiter "guaranteed" you a scholarship. Nothing is ever guaranteed.


Pavement sucks
Of course, you can be awarded one if you're there as a College Programmer...if you'd spent about 15 seconds searching that would be clear.

I know that, I mentioned it in my post.

I also have to listen to my parents, who really like the sound of "scholarship". Would it be possible to talk to the NROTC at State or Tech and say, "Look, I can do this Army thing, unless you have
something to offer instead." It would be kind of an asshole thing to do, but would it be worth a try, or are the NROTC scholarships only awarded by the board?


Well-Known Member
It's your decision, but if I were you I would work my ass off in the College Program and go for a three-year scholarship.

And @ your last post, what makes you think you're in the position to offer them an ultimatum? That will just hurt your chances more. Get a grip.


Pavement sucks
And @ your last post, what makes you think you're in the position to offer them an ultimatum? That will just hurt your chances more. Get a grip.
Thats what I thought, but hey, maybe they would want to be competitive and they could get me something. I mean, the Army ROTC officer just dropped a scholarship on me out of the blue, why couldn't NROTC? You see my point?


Whateva! I do what I want!
Super Moderator
I think the Army has more control at the unit level over who to give their scholarships. I applied for it as well when I was in high school and both of the schools I had up there had their officers call me to tell me in person I got the scholarship. I didn't hear it from Big Army unlike NROTC where it's posted on the website.


Enjoying the real world
If you go in with that 'ultimatum' they will wish you good luck in your Army career and forget about you 10 seconds later.


Are you threatening me?
Super Moderator
Whats the dilemma? Navy vs. Army????

Seriously, if you want to be in the Navy, then join the freakin' Navy. PLENTY of people nationwide pick up 3 year scholarships every year after SUCCESSFUL freshman years at college. Your location says you live in NC, so going to the State school can't be all that expensive. I'm not trying to belittle your money situation, but I'd rather eat a year of student loans vs. joining a service I didn't truly want to be in. Go to NC State on your own dime for a year and be dedicated to improving yourself for a Navy Scholarship. Trust me, it'll be worth it in the end.

Oh, and you won't have to be in the Army, either.


Registered User
not to mention, if youre concerned about how much money you'll have after college, the military might not be your best option


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
IMHO you should follow the advice of the other board members, but one option that does not appear to be offered here is a cross-commission. Meaning that you go through the Army ROTC but commission as an Ensign in the Navy.

I dont know much about this process other than it exists. I know at USNA the general rule is if you want to cross commission you have to find someone at the other academy that wants to do the same. I do not know if this is also the case for ROTC.

Just a thought... but like I said I wouldn't be willing to risk my Navy Commission on the chance that I would end up an Army officer.


Registered User
^^^ That's like the saying if you want to be a pilot...just go NFO and then lat-xfer. I've heard of ROTC cross commissions but never personally seen it done. If it is done, it's very rare.


Shut up woman... get on my horse.
Thats why I said I dont think its a good idea... but I figure its best to know all the options... even the ludicrous ones.