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Big Dilemma


go blue...

I started off speaking of his choice for a branch, then went on a tangent which in hindsight I didn't explain it enough. I'm not getting flustered over someone's choice of branch, but rather someone's choice of using military money with no desire to serve, which will result in lackluster performance. Did I explain that clearly enough? No, nor did I insinuate that this person would make that choice. I had a lengthy conversation regarding this subject earlier, and it was fresh on my mind while I posted and why I questioned his genuine interest.

The bottom line is I want to see good people get commissioned, regardless of branch. It upsets me when a student with no desire to be in the Navy picks up a leadership scholarship because he has a 3.8 as a theater major over students who deserve it a lot more. Is that life? Of course, but one shouldn't sign up if they don't intend to be the best at what they're going to do, thats what frustrates me.

I may only be a mid, which is why I said "in my experience". Take it for what it's worth from my point of view, and I'll be honest it's a sentiment shared with a lot of people I've spoken with.