What made you think I was mad?Totally the jorts comment. I thought we all had thick skin here? or are we just mad I tee’d off on a senior citizen?
If you choked it back down like a real man then you've probably got #2 nailed down. Now you just have to worry about either #1 be a good stick or #3 don't suck at your ground job.I just threw up in my mouth a little bit
I know, you really went off on the fat guy...not sure what he did to set you off. Was it the “jorts” comment?
With layovers comes an infinite variety of beers one must try.Totally the jorts comment. I thought we all had thick skin here? or are we just mad I tee’d off on a senior citizen?
yeah...YOUJesus... somebody is triggered....
As a student talk less and listen more...
3 keys of success in a squadron:
1) Be a good stick
2) Have a good personality/bar act
3) Be good at your ground job.
You need 2 of the 3 to be successful in a squadron. 3/3 and you’re a rockstar, 1/3 and you’re eff’d.
With layovers comes an infinite variety of beers one must try.
With an infinite variety of beers to try comes infinite happiness but at the price of fatness.
With age comes seniority. And with seniority comes widebody (see what I did here???) Captaincy.
With widebody Captaincy comes money and great QOL. With great QOL and money comes wealth and happiness.
So I’m perfectly good being a fat senior citizen as it has brought wealth and happiness.
And I didn’t have to style my hair like a tampon, wear jorts or silkie, or make absurd noises to find my wealth and happiness.
Yut yut devil douche.
Don’t listen to navy pussies. Also stop saying “brand” unless you’re talking about a corporation or a hot metal thing
I think “brand” sounds a bit contrived, but “name and reputation” is dead on.I picked that up from the University. I was never a salesman, but the professor made it a point that you are selling yourself. What kind of name and reputation do you want to have? What do people perceive and how close is that to reality. I will admit it is corny but I like the logic.
I think “brand” sounds a bit contrived, but “name and reputation” is dead on.
Aviation is a small community, even smaller for you guys. People will know who you are, good or bad, before you walk in the door based solely on your reputation in the community. The further you get in that community, the harder it is to change that rep, for better or worse.
Just be who you are, whether that is an asshole or a nice guy, and make it work for you. Trying to pretend you are anyone else to create a “brand” will break down under stress (as you probably already have seen on your deployments as an E) and you will revert to your true self.
If you play the nice guy and revert to being an asshole when the chips are down, your guys won’t trust you. If you try to play the asshole and don’t have the stones to back it up they won’t respect you.
Dude- just realize that no one really cares about your prior time. Own it, because it's who you are, but don't think that it makes you better than anyone else.
Remember that you're only as good as your last flight, and you're only as good as the dudes who will have you. Everyone fails a flight, it's your friends that will make sure you're ready for the refly.
I just had dinner last night with the guy who I flew forms with in primary. Before last night we hadn't seen each other in 5 years. It was a great night.
Be the dude that your form partner will want to see in 5 years when you're swinging through on TAD to some conference.
Don’t listen to navy pussies. Also stop saying “brand” unless you’re talking about a corporation or a hot metal thing
I agree people revert back to them true selves when cold, hungry, wet, tired, etc. I believe leadership is skills based and it can be improved over time. I am an up and comer in the firefighting world so I have been following for a couple years. Coming back into the Marines I am expected to be the same Sergeant I was 3 years ago when I was a section leader. That is primarily why I asked the question initially.
You are overthinking this. Aviation will be different than your last community.
Others hit the nail on the head so I’ll reiterate:
1) Own the fact that you were a prior but people (post TBS) won’t really care that you were.
2) Be a good dude.
3) Be a good pilot.
4) Be a good officer that excels at your ground job and take care of your people when you have people.
Again, you’re overthinking this and should listen to the advice others have given.