True... I will be going to CECOS in Port Hueneme, CA.
The thing is that we have to move out of our apartment here anyway. She has had plenty of offers to stay with friends and family while I'm in OCS, but in reality she WANTS to go. Not necessarily for the fact that she thinks Pensacola will be a fun vacation or even that she will be able to see me much. The truth is that she is trying to get away from friends and family for a while. Also, she might be spending the time to study for the MCAT exams while she is there and she can do that anywhere.
She isn't tied down at all (Mortgage, jobs, ect) and really wants to move around a bit and see the rest of the country (and eventually the world). She wont be bringing a bunch of stuff with her or anything, so packing up isn't even really an issue.
We definitely signed up for this together (not literally) and she is as into it as I am. She IS coming one way or another. With that said... I'm wondering still if anyone has an idea of where other wives/gfs have stayed while there and how and what it they did to make it doable (military clause or anything).
Thanks for the concern though... I appreciate you guys letting me know what you really think adn look forward to your future comments.