Big ol' BUMP to this thread.
Well... I'm the SO. I ended up moving to Pensacola when UCICEC checked into OCS. Its been great, though I've seen everything this town has to offer. I get to spend weekends with UCICEC and maybe next week (when he's a Candi-O) I might get to see him more often. :tongue2_1 I had tons of ppl/family telling me NOT to move 'cause I'll be all by myself blah blah freakin' blah. All I've got to say is: I'm really glad I did move.
I thought you guys' advice was... uh... interesting.
Does she cook? She might be able to swing (no pun intended
) a deal with a few NFO's who have a house there in P-cola. Maybe sleep on the couch in exchange for cooked meals. I know if I was an SNFO, I would jump all over that.
Oh, man.
I do cook... but I don't sleep on couches.
I guess that depends on what she looked like and how good she can cook.
Its always just a matter of time before the threads turn this route. :icon_tong
We had a guy in my class who had his wife visit us (well, him) in Bat 1 when we were in candi-o phase. He skipped out some nights during the officer candidate phase to visit his wife in the car. Somehow he got away with it.
WHAAAT?! Uh, yeah... NO backseat nookie goin' on here.
You could get married in Vegas so you could draw BAH.
Seriously, she'd be better off living with friends and family wherever that may be, because she's going to be on her own in a strange town not knowing anybody. That's kind of an odd deal.
Married?! Not so much. Married in VEGAS - aww hell no. :yuck_125: Actually, I ended up doing alright in a strange town not knowing anybody. Best damn thing I ever did for myself. Sometimes not venturing out will only hold you back. Its been one hell of a cool deal...
When I went through we only had a couple of weekends of liberty but my wife could meet me every Sunday at church. It worked out nice.
Yeah... but did she bring you gedunk?!
Actually, YES - meeting every Sunday for church worked out VERY nice.
I went through OCS about a year ago, no Girlfriend, or wif, ut the guys that had thier SOs visit seemed to have a harder time of it. So my sugestion, have her wait to move up to P'cola till after you get out of OCS.
I dunno... UCICEC seems to be having one hell of a time - esp. during liberty!!
I've seen some OC's that were worse off w/out their SOs... maybe their SOs were the jealous/needy type??
That's a good idea if you'll be in P-cola after commissioning, but seeing how it looks like he's CEC, it's even a worse idea to move his G-friend out there for 12 weeks, then pack up and move to his ultimate duty staton/CECOS.
Nah... I've got this packing up and moving thing down to a science.
In fact, if UCICEC doesn't hurry up outta that OCS joint... I might just have to move without him!
We definitely signed up for this together (not literally) and she is as into it as I am.
I DID???!!
Just kidding, UCICEC... of course i did.
I stand behind you 100%. With an @** like that, how could I not?
Have your woman get some sort of shack outside Pensacola, it is a cheap area to live. In the beginning you won't get much time to see her, but towards the end you will... it will be good for you to see someone outside of the little world that they build for you out there.
Don't do it man...
Bad idea...
Actually... GOOD idea. DAMN good idea. :eyebrows_ And its a hell of a lot better than backseat nookie.