Ha! That's not at all what I meant. I was just trying to illustrate that I don't mind a physical beat down is all.
It would be kind of funny. Up until somewhat recently I thought they beat you pretty good but they barely run and all. I thought we would be doing 6+ miles and a bunch of body resistance type stuff. 2 miles for the first few weeks and 3-4 after that is nothing. Oh well...... I'll probably leave in worse shape like I did when I went to boot.
Yep. All the priors in my class said OCS was NOT like boot camp.
I've heard that from priors as well. I was talking about the PT portion not being as intense as I had imagined (based on what people have told me recently). Boot was so easy it was a joke and I know OCS is going to be much harder.
Be a special snowflake at your own risk.
There was a guy originally in my class who got an insane amount of special attention. It got to the point where every time he rolled into H (which he did more than a few times) every DI was saying, "If he rolls into my next class, he's going right back into H." When I left he hadn't made it past week 4.