It just seemed odd that (not just me, or my class) the class before us and the several that followed us had a lot of NPQs. From what some more recent grads have said, it doesn't seem to be that way anymore. That's why, from my experience, it seemed inefficient.
Sure, I'm still sad about being whammied considering my otherwise perfect health, but I feel like there could be a better way to move things along for future applicants. But, I also can't see it from the view of NAMI.
I'll just add, I was mostly upset with them for not attempting to fix my issue. The hearing loss I've sustained from 4 years of shooting during my enlistment was mild/acceptable, and then they cited "negative ear pressure". I've been SCUBA certified my whole life and flown quite a lot, without any pressure problems. However, even so, the fix for negative ear pressure takes like a week (30 minute procedure and a week to heal). I spent 5 extra weeks in student pool instead of an extra week in medical and another week waiting on NAMI PQ. They didn't even try. So, anyways, that's my specific experience.