Here's an interesting 'cover'
Ignore the horrendous rank abbreviations.
I'd guess he was probably writing those in accordance with AP style, not Navy protocol.
Here's an interesting 'cover'
Ignore the horrendous rank abbreviations.
I guess the shoe/socks have changed (??) -- we used to see the Trop Khaki Short pop up in CUBI w/ brown shoes and khaki knee length socks ... also the Trop Whites Short w/ knee length white socks & shoes ...My only problem with the trop khakis are the black socks and you think I could get a uniform mod pushed through so that I could wear my Reef flip-flops instead?? They're mo' comfy!
I see a cowboy, an aviator, and a construction worker. Where is the indian and biker?
I guess the shoe/socks have changed (??) -- we used to see the Trop Khaki Short pop up in CUBI w/ brown shoes and khaki knee length socks ... also the Trop Whites Short w/ knee length white socks & shoes ...
And a khaki or white pith helmet to top off the ensemble.
Nope -- no garters ... that would have only passed muster in an Olongapo bordello ...Half joking/half serious, but back if your day did you have to wear men's sock garters? I think those combined with the pith helmet would just be over the top!
'Black and Tan', replacing the two above uniforms (They picked the one on the right, the 'Marine-like' one):
Why? Just doesn't make sense to me...
Does this mean Chiefs have khaki pants to distinguish?
Because many in the Navy thought that the current service uniforms were not good enough, 'professional appearance' was something repeatedly mentioned. The 'Black and Tan' is one reason the Navy leadership, especially ADM Mullen, is pushing for the return of Service Dress Khakis.
Marines wore camouflage utilities for years prior to our current uniform, and we managed to avoid looking like gas-station attendants/shitbags after 10 minutes. Of course - I'd be willing to bet you didn't wash them with a whole bottle of Sta-Flo, and then use a whole can of Faultless while ironing. Not to mention using fusing tape to hold the pockets flat. And of course, when I've seen sailors wearing utilities - it's pretty obvious that they don't know what a cover block is.I would have worn anything to get out of utilities. I hated that fucking uniform, I looked like a gas-station attendant, the pants were miserable (didn't fit right, faded, wouldn't hold a crease, shrunk in 2 washes) and it was nearly impossible not to look like a shitbag after 10 minutes work in them. I think BDU's are definitely a good way to go, seeing as EVERY other service has them (hell, every corpsman I see wears the Marine BDU's anyway).
Marines wore camouflage utilities for years prior to our current uniform, and we managed to avoid looking like gas-station attendants/shitbags after 10 minutes. Of course - I'd be willing to bet you didn't wash them with a whole bottle of Sta-Flo, and then use a whole can of Faultless while ironing. Not to mention using fusing tape to hold the pockets flat. And of course, when I've seen sailors wearing utilities - it's pretty obvious that they don't know what a cover block is.
Two words, you little whiner:I would have worn anything to get out of utilities. I hated that fucking uniform, I looked like a gas-station attendant, the pants were miserable (didn't fit right, faded, wouldn't hold a crease, shrunk in 2 washes) and it was nearly impossible not to look like a shitbag after 10 minutes work in them. I think BDU's are definitely a good way to go, seeing as EVERY other service has them (hell, every corpsman I see wears the Marine BDU's anyway)
I would rather wear the blue coveralls all day than utilities.
(Okay, the rant is over)
The Black and Tan looks okay, better than Salt and Peppers...