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Chinese Navy buildup


Super Moderator
The Chinese are coming, the Chinese are coming!!! AAAAHHHHHHH.......:eek:

So, they are building up their Navy and other military forces. But do you realize that they still rely heavily on conscripts, even for their submarine force? A two year conscript a good submariner does not make, our submariners are in for I believe a minimum of 6 years (2 of them schooling).

As for the Xia-class ballistic missile submarine, how about this description "Operations of the Type 092 SSBN have been limited and the boat has never sailed beyond Chinese regional waters."....... "The Type 092 carries 12 Ju Lang-1 (Ju Lang = Giant Wave, NATO code-name: CSS-N-3) or modified JL-1A SLBMs. The missile uses inertial guidance to a maximum range of 2,150km, and carries one single 250kT nuclear warhead." http://www.sinodefence.com/navy/sub/092.asp

Put two and two together and it can't touch us, unless they sail well outside o fhome waters. Okay, maybe A4s may need to be a little worried........

I would be a little more worried about this one "The missile [JL-2] will reportedly carry either 3 or 4 MIRV (90kT each) or a single warhead with a yield of 250-1000 kT. Other reports suggest that each missile might be loaded with as many as six warheads. Most reports agree that the JL-2 will have a range of about 8,000 km, while some reports suggest that the missile will have an estimated range at least 9,000 kilometers." http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/china/jl-2.htm

Or this one "The Bulava (SS-NX-30) is the submarine-launched version of Russia’s most advanced missile, the Topol-M (SS-27) solid fuel ICBM. Russian sources report that the Bulava SS-N-30 ballistic missile can carry ten warheads to a range of 8,000km. Other sources suggest that the Bulava probably might have a range of 10,000 km, and is reportedly features a 550 kT yield nuclear warhead. Apparently up to six MIRVs can be placed at the cost of offloading warhead shielding and decoys." http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/russia/3m14.htm or this

When you look around, there is plenty of scary stuff to keep you awake at night........:(


Sky Pig Wrangler
They're coming out with some extremely capable ships in the next 5 years. We're talking comparable to our Arleigh Burke's.


Super Moderator
Punk said:
They're coming out with some extremely capable ships in the next 5 years. We're talking comparable to our Arleigh Burke's.

That is what they claim, convenient to do for a ship that has barely touched the water. And two or three ships in the next five years really ain't going to make a hill of beans difference when they get sunk by one of our subs because they can't do ASW worth a damn.

Don't get me wrong, they have some okay stuff. But it is nowhere near enough and the caliber of people using the stuff are not that good (again, conscripts people, not professionals!!) Give them 30 or 50 years, then I will start to worry.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Flash said:
A two year conscript a good submariner does not make, our submariners are in for I believe a minimum of 6 years (2 of them schooling).
Not all submariners are nukes...only the really smart ones. :D


Ex-Rhino driver
"Disclosure of the underground bases supports analyses of Pentagon and intelligence officials who say China is engaged in a secret military buildup that threatens U.S. interests,"

Looks like someone is a little worried.


Sky Pig Wrangler
Flash said:
That is what they claim, convenient to do for a ship that has barely touched the water. And two or three ships in the next five years really ain't going to make a hill of beans difference when they get sunk by one of our subs because they can't do ASW worth a damn.

No, this is what our intelligence is saying, not theirs. They got some really good stuff coming on line. But you are right, its only a few ships, but hey, you always gotta honor the threat.

I honestly have no idea from an ASW viewpoint, I only analyzed from a AAW and ASUW because hey, the Prowler can't do much in ASW. ;)


Registered User
Hi Flash,
What they suck about ASW (USW) is that they can't find subs? Our Airborne USW kinda sucks now too. Compared to what it was in the cold war anyway. Its a perishable skill and was dropped off the priority list of warfighting since the end of the cold war. But it is slowly coming back. Can't wait for MMA, that thing is going to be awesome!


Registered User
The buildup is a threat to instability in the region which threatens U.S. interest in that part of the world.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
JMO said:
The buildup is a threat to instability in the region which threatens U.S. interest in that part of the world.
So you're saying that regional instability is in the US' interests?
