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Close to wings but thinking about switching communities


New Member
Hey all,

I am in jet advanced and very close to my wings, but have been having some major thoughts about trying to switch communities. It is a thought I have had for most of the syllabus but since I am near completing its something really consuming my thoughts. I am torn because flying jets was a dream for me.

Some of the flying I just don't enjoy. Some I do. And talking to friends ahead of me, I realize things get more tactical, harder, and much more fast paced. Don't get me wrong, I love flying the jet most of the time. I am thinking the VAQ community would be better for me for these reasons. However, talking to helicopter or tilt friends I have major FOMO in a weird way. The VFA/VAQ community just arguably has a massive lack of quality of life and I am wondering if anyone regrets not thinking about that more while they still could. Not to mention the lack of shore duty opportunities if you prioritize nicer duty stations over flying.

I know I will get flamed, and I know every community in Naval Aviation is challenging and hard work. But you have to admit living in San Diego and having an appropriate amount of JOs in your squadron could be very nice. I'd like to hear from people who have had similar helpful thoughts and not those who are just trying to flame a student. This is a large part of my life that I am stuck doing and I am thankful I am having these thoughts while I can change my course still.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
I realize things get more tactical, harder, and much more fast paced.... I am thinking the VAQ community would be better for me for these reasons.
The VAQ community is no less tactical or somehow easier than any other. Also not sure I understand what you mean by your VFA/VAQ quality of life statement. Is that because of where their respective bases are? If you just wanted to live in San Diego, then you shouldn't have joined the Navy. It sounds like you're trying to make decisions based on incomplete information or incorrect assumptions.

It's normal to have doubts, but don't throw away everything you've worked for up to this point. Seriously, snap out of it. You're being very foolish.

Extremely unlikely that you'd be able to switch out of jets now... you're committed. The Navy has invested a lot of money in getting you to this point.


Cereal Killer
Hey all,

I am in jet advanced and very close to my wings, but have been having some major thoughts about trying to switch communities. It is a thought I have had for most of the syllabus but since I am near completing its something really consuming my thoughts. I am torn because flying jets was a dream for me.

Some of the flying I just don't enjoy. Some I do. And talking to friends ahead of me, I realize things get more tactical, harder, and much more fast paced. Don't get me wrong, I love flying the jet most of the time. I am thinking the VAQ community would be better for me for these reasons. However, talking to helicopter or tilt friends I have major FOMO in a weird way. The VFA/VAQ community just arguably has a massive lack of quality of life and I am wondering if anyone regrets not thinking about that more while they still could. Not to mention the lack of shore duty opportunities if you prioritize nicer duty stations over flying.

I know I will get flamed, and I know every community in Naval Aviation is challenging and hard work. But you have to admit living in San Diego and having an appropriate amount of JOs in your squadron could be very nice. I'd like to hear from people who have had similar helpful thoughts and not those who are just trying to flame a student. This is a large part of my life that I am stuck doing and I am thankful I am having these thoughts while I can change my course still.
So you're willing to give up being a pilot over this?

Fins Out

Well-Known Member
That's some MasterClass level cognitive dissonance. If you're as close to wings as you say, I'm not sure there's many options at this point to make changes. Lots to unpack but I guess figure out what's driving your major FOMO, as you say. You said this is a large part of your life you're stuck doing. Stuck, really? When did the light go out?

I'm an old guy, but I'll always fondly remember my VFA JO days. Lots of hard work, but I'd hardly call it a massive lack of quality of life, especially before you hit DH.


Well-Known Member
and I am wondering if anyone regrets not thinking about that more while they still could
I think you are already past the “still could” phase yourself. That’s the first question to ask. Could you go to CNATRA leadership and tell them you’ve realized that you’re a helo guy at heart, and not lose it all?

I’m curious to hear the answer.


So you're willing to give up being a pilot over this?
Maybe he's just trying to figure out how to avoid going to Lemoore. I can't blame him, there's a reason the town isn't called "FresYes."

(That's my favorite Fresno joke, by the way)

On a more serious note, @Aeroshell, cutting and running/dropping on request/poor performance after major investment by the Navy is never a good thing for your career. I've got buddies from OCS who did poorly in the syllabus or once they got to their squadron (Failed to make HAC, etc.) and ended up with their walking papers back on civvie street. It's likely that if you make a big stink about this or sabotage yourself, you could end up in a much worse place than you are right now. If the goal is just to avoid Fresno or get closer to a loved one, then work hard and be a rockstar in the rest of your training and at your first squadron. That will leave you with many more options. If this is about being close to a woman/man/romantic partner, then go talk to your CO/XO/Dept Head/Mentor about finding options and making a plan to get close to her/him/insert nonbinary pronoun here.


Frightening children with the Griz-O-Copter!
Just stick with it. You’ll be OK and you’ll develop a different understanding of what QOL means as you mature. Sure, there aren’t any volleyball games on the beach with the guys, or driving down the coast to visit a girl at Lemoore but…never mind, I’ll just stop there.


Well-Known Member
Don’t do it. The odds of being allowed to switch aviation communities at this point are basically zero barring some kind of medical issue that gets you out of an ejection seat but not anything else. You’ll just be DOR’ing and throwing yourself on the mercy of a redes board with significant time in service counting against you and no warfare device.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
Just to add on to what the others have said - not only is this a dumb idea, but this is how you get a reputation, and not a good one. It’s not as obvious when you’re still a cone, but Naval Aviation is a very small, inbred hick town of a community. Go asking stucon about this and not only will they laugh in your face (or behind your back if they’re feeling polite), but expect to be greeted everywhere you go from now on with “Aren’t you that guy who tried to switch to helos?”

That train has sailed, shipmate. Lemoore isn’t so bad as to be worth setting your ass on fire publicly.