Harrier Dude
Living the dream
Yeah, but I think a Harrier is undeniably an airplane if someone asks. Your only problem is that it's not multi. My problem is convincing them it counts as an airplane. I don't think ex-Harrier fortunes are tied to Ospreys any more than the other way around.
You just have an aversion to being associated with rotor trash, don't you?
Well, according to the FAA, it's powered lift. Like I said though, the airlines still think of it as a plane (and rightly so) so for the foreseeable future that's not going to be a problem. I have plenty (1200+) of multi time in the C-12 and the T-2, so that's not a problem.
As far as your end of the deal, I talked to a check airman for AA who seemed to think that plopter dudes would be considered favorably. That's just one guy's opinion. I still think that the first few plopter dudes that get hired will set the tone for decades.