Phrogdriver, thanks for the info. I plan on looking in the reserves both active and the drilling one. Not sure I want to go USMC Active Reserve although the 45k might entice me. I was thinking about AF Active Reserve to build time in more "useful" aircraft. It will all depend on my chances in The Show and the salary that will come with that. I've gotten used to my current lifestyle and with #2 on the way I can't afford regional pay. The in-laws are in southern VA so 774 wouldn't be a bad gig. At least my kids could actually see their grandparents more often.
phrogdriver and I are two separate people...
The $45K bonus was for SMCR, not AR. AR is actively recruiting, and you'd get snatched up quick - only because there are very FEW (read: none that I know of) V-22 guys in the AR world. AR is a good deal, same pay/benefits as AD and same retirement as AD - only you're guaranteed to bounce between 764 and 774 (you might have the occasional tour at Wing - but that's mostly based on your desires. They're always hurting for pilots on AR). For the record - we're (774) not scheduled to transition to the V-22 until FY 16. Just parts of your planning, if you're looking for a drilling gig - because likely you'd revert back to 46s (although with your quals, they'd float the "drill on the west coast, live where you want" offer they had for me).
As for AF/ANG - I looked into it, but I never really had the desire to fly in the Airlines. If you feel like flying on the outside, getting into a reserve squadron is a good thing - We've got everything from airline pilots to EMS pilots to guys that split their time flying ME FW and RW (for IBM) on the outside world. I also know that the Herc squadron in NY is looking for pilots... My squadron WTI when I was a young LT is flying for them and is a Delta FO...
Oh, and when you do start looking for reserve gigs - from personal experience, the LONGEST you want to drive to commute to your reserve unit is 3 1/2 - 4 hours. More than that, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. If you're flying in for drill weekends - you'd want to live somewhere that is a hub so it's a non-stop flight, again - juice isn't worth the squeeze otherwise. Although, if you're an O-4 or less, they'll reimburse 12 plane tickets a year... And if you're driving in for a drill weekend - keep track of mileage. It's tax deductible.