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Conventional Trident Missiles Will Aid Terror War


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
Thanks for the laughs tonight, enjoyed them.... I am not going to educate anyone on this subject, silent service and all that :D.... but there is so much uninformed bullsh!t and plain outright "opinion" not based off of fact, that it is hilarious to one that appreciates the capability of the different operational aspects of our submarine force.

"justify"... lol.... "not use them".... yeah, tell that to the CSG, STRATCOM and JCS...


I have served 4 years on a LA Class Fast Attack so I have some knowledge about the silent service and alot of these comments are, like the webmaster said, funny. Submarines do awhole lot more than launch missiles at bad people, that is actually something that rarely happens and if you are on those boats, you are lucky.

Does a large missile coming out of the water "give away" the subs location, um yes it does, but the ocean the last time I checked is big, so unless you have tons of ships sitting around the ocean waiting and looking for missiles popping out of the water, they wont be seen. If they happen to be seen, there are procedures after shooting to run and hide, it is not like they surface the boat to see if they killed anyone. No offense to the subhunters on here but they had a hard time finding us and the Trident boats are more silent than the fast attacks are.

Would it be overkill to use Trident boats for this, yes, but atleast they would get to do something other than driving around in a box waiting for the world to end.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Okay, because I think we've established that most of what's discussed here is pretty uneducated and, well, a waste of space, I'll move on...


The one time when I knew there was a Trident out there, I had no problem marking on top. How? Well, normally I'd claim OPSEC, but just between you and me (no one else reads these things, right?), here's how: He was on the surface in the Moloka'i channel w/ no security escort. I don't know why everyone says it's so hard to track these guys. Very low passes ensued. :)


Is it baseball season yet?
webmaster said:
Thanks for the laughs tonight, enjoyed them.... I am not going to educate anyone on this subject, silent service and all that :D.... but there is so much uninformed bullsh!t and plain outright "opinion" not based off of fact, that it is hilarious to one that appreciates the capability of the different operational aspects of our submarine force.

"justify"... lol.... "not use them".... yeah, tell that to the CSG, STRATCOM and JCS...

Well, I'm glad you got the laugh, and I think it's pretty obvious that I don't know jack about subs except they go underwater. Nonetheless, I was just being inquisitive I thought. That's right... inquisitive. :icon_tong


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Interesting discussion, and since this is my first thread since having access to a computer in a week, WTF am I supposed to do with ~2400 unread posts? :D /endjack



You could use the magical "Mark Threads Read" button at the bottom of the forum. THat's what I do when the unread post count gets too high. I just wipe the slate clean.:)


Registered User
bmc1891 said:
So you think the next war is going to require convential MIRV's? And the article specifically states that they want to use these in the War on Terror.

And I guess if you want to use a flame thrower to kill ants, be my guest OnEdge. If that's your thing.
It's not my place to try to guess what the next war will need, as i'm not privy to the same information that the generals/admirals are.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
AllAmerican75 said:
You could use the magical "Mark Threads Read" button at the bottom of the forum. THat's what I do when the unread post count gets too high. I just wipe the slate clean.:)
Someone PM me an executive summary of the past weeks activity. Wow, now I sound like a hinge. :D


HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
gatordev said:
The one time when I knew there was a Trident out there, I had no problem marking on top. How? Well, normally I'd claim OPSEC, but just between you and me (no one else reads these things, right?), here's how: He was on the surface in the Moloka'i channel w/ no security escort. I don't know why everyone says it's so hard to track these guys. Very low passes ensued. :)
I saw one coming out of Wanda Fuca (spelling?) on the surface unescorted around 1986 when they were still new. We did a bunch of low passes for photos too. Unfortunately I listened to my AWC SS1 who said "Hey TACCO, we don't have any training tapes on these guys - any chance of dropping some buoys?" 3 5-buoy LOFAR wedges tightly spaced and he ran right over the apex buoy each time. It's easy when they are on the surface in a narrow channel and can't maneuver.

To say that CPWP, CPW-10 & my CO were pissed off when they met our plane after we landed back at Moffett would be a gross understatement. I never signed so many non-disclosure forms in my life. But the training tapes (when we were finally allowed to use them a few years later) were excellent....


HAL Pilot said:
I saw one coming out of Wanda Fuca (spelling?) on the surface unescorted around 1986 .........
No, no, no ... Wanda Fuca is one of the Wednesday night dancers at The Monkey Bar in Pearl City.

It's Juan de Fuca --- her brother --- that the Strait was named after. :)

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
A4sForever said:
No, no, no ... Wanda Fuca is one of the Wednesday night dancers at The Monkey Bar in Pearl City.

It's Juan de Fuca --- her brother --- that the Strait was named after. :)
Never could get that right......:eek: So it's not "A Fish Called Juan De"??? :D


Drinking, flying, or looking busy!!
Birdman1 said:
You don't prepare for the current war; you plan for the next war

Yeah, that's been the motto of the military for... how long?

Since tucking tail and running in Vietnam?

Since the disaster in Beirut?

Since "Black Hawk Down"?

And the current boondoggle in Iraq...

How about we learn about how to deal with insurgencies and low-intensity conflicts? Learning to swim in quagmires might be a good idea before we start wondering how to deal with some hypothetical future conflict that will somehow require conventional MIRVed warheads for success...


The Grass is Greener!
Site Admin
DanMav1156 said:
Well, I'm glad you got the laugh, and I think it's pretty obvious that I don't know jack about subs except they go underwater. Nonetheless, I was just being inquisitive I thought. That's right... inquisitive. :icon_tong
No harm, no foul... Hourocket summed up a couple of the key points I was thinking when I read this thread. There is nothing wrong with being inquisitive, but you have to understand that there is a degree of reluctance for any active duty (or retired) member to completely answer some of these posts. In particular, you will find that the submarine force is very tight lipped about capabilities, deployments, and missions.

Addressing a wider issue here on the forums, recently there have been quite a few posts questinioning "why" certain questions have been asked, and the general "pile on" of experienced members in shutting down queries. The goal of the forum is to promote a career in the Navy or Marine Corps as an Officer, specifically with regards to Aviation. We do not have any problems talking about an unclassified syllabus from Primary through Advanced. You start getting into Fleet aircraft, and Navy missions of various other platforms, and alarm bells ring when we read these questions by someone that just registered on the forum and only has 10 posts....

If you understand the tennants of OPSEC, even seemingly innocent responses to questions on capability and basing (in regards to the other post on where all the airframes where at) confirm items for the "enemy". Do they arleady know this information through public files, globalsercurity and fas websites? Sure.... but I highly doubt that they are 100% current on the details... It bothers me when someone asks which planes are where, and what typical missions they fly/deploy from.

And regardless of being a taxpayer (ref other post), your "right" to know what the hell I do wasn't part of my oath. If you are so curious, join our ranks, and get the viewpoint first hand. As many of us have experienced, we have family members, girlfriends and spouses that have no idea what we do on a daily basis (job depending), nor do they have the need/clearance to have that info. So, if I am not going tell my WIFE, I most certainly not going to post my thoughts on submarine force operations, current ASW readiness, and strategic/tactical implications and utility of a SSGN or conventionally armed Trident in an AOR in a public forum. Crystal? :D

@gatordev: must have been the same boomer we "tracked" on the surface.... :D Hey, we got the qual!



Well-Known Member
Site Admin
webmaster said:
@gatordev: must have been the same boomer we "tracked" on the surface.... :D Hey, we got the qual!


My experience was after your departure. But don't think I didn't log "On-Top" time in SHARP when I got back. :)


For better or worse, I actually did tune up Channel 16. I'm not sure if that was a smart thing to do or not. I may or may not have heard something crackle through. In all seriousness, I couldn't understand the call nor do I know if it came from our "playmate." However, there never was a call to get my butt up to the front office afterwards. Well, at least not about this. But I did wonder if they cared. The LA's coming in and out of Pearl always let us play and spit if we had the buoys.