I think my favorite, unintelligible controllers belong to the country of Djibouti. It may be the only place in the world where every radio freq from clearance delivery to "center" is the same. It usually wasn't that bad because you had a Navy controller in the tower with them and traffic was/is pretty light in that part of the world. Nothing like receiving a clearance, looking across the flight station at the FE and copilot with a "what language was that?" look. Also the only place I've ever seen tower tell an aircraft on final to wave off for traffic on the runway to be me with a flat "no" from said aircraft. I think that Spanish P-3 that was on the runway may have cleared by a foot or three when that IL-76 went trucking by on rollout. The controller's response to being completely blown off? "OK!"
I'll take the 12 year old kid from Jersey any day over those guys.
I'll take the 12 year old kid from Jersey any day over those guys.