What needs were they serving? Low safe? Why does every other community get by without them?
Keep in mind, on the helo side anyway, the necessity of the training being done is arguable, but it is in the T&R....somehow. But they were a Low Slow Flyer platform for the helos. Much cheaper to fly a T-34 and a -60 then fly two -60s. But it's certainly possible to do it without the Weiner. I was showing up as the VS guys were going away, so I'm not completely sure what role they served to the point-nosed guys. I'm guessing it was more necessary back when Cecil was active.
As for "every community" getting by with out them, I'd argue they aren't, at least on the Navy side. Since every major jet base(Fallon, Lemoore, Oceana, Mirramar) has them, they're obviously super-duper important to all things pointy. Can you sense my sarcasm? Personally, I didn't care how "necessary" the needs were, I'm just disappointed that I can't help meet those needs now.