Yeah, there are lots of people who are either irresponsible or are in a position where if they want money they need to go to work.I agree and what gets me and what pisses my wife off is that if people who were sick consistently did the right thing and didn't still go to work and go do other things to expose other people that would have minimized the illness to some extent, when I am sick I don't go to work to be mindful of my coworkers, I don't go see my parents to make sure I don't get them sick.
I hope this COVID-19 issue causes people to think about others when they are ill for the years to come.
There's also growing data that shows that a lot more people likely have it than the current active cases, estimates range from 10-50 times higher than current active cases. While this shows that maybe the death rate isn't as high as initially thought it also means that there's a higher risk to the affected population because more people have it than thought and those people are still spreading it around thus further increasing the risk. The only way to effectively reduce that risk is to have everyone chill at home for a few weeks to break the chain. I imagine we'll all end up in some form of lockdown for a three to six weeks to help it burnout and then public health folks can set a fire watch.