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Well-Known Member
From the same article...better hope those T-Cells are doing their thing.

"He added that the study was representative for the state of Saxony, however, which has a relatively low rate of infection compared with other parts of Germany.

The study is the latest to analyze the presence of antibodies among individuals and there is an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that coronavirus antibodies might wane over time, as WHO officials noted Monday.

A U.K. study published Saturday suggested that immunity to Covid-19 may only last a few months, with research showing that the antibody response to the virus peaked around three weeks after the first onset of symptoms but then began to decline in as little as two to three months."

Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
From the same article...better hope those T-Cells are doing their thing.

"He added that the study was representative for the state of Saxony, however, which has a relatively low rate of infection compared with other parts of Germany.

The study is the latest to analyze the presence of antibodies among individuals and there is an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that coronavirus antibodies might wane over time, as WHO officials noted Monday.

A U.K. study published Saturday suggested that immunity to Covid-19 may only last a few months, with research showing that the antibody response to the virus peaked around three weeks after the first onset of symptoms but then began to decline in as little as two to three months."
I keep seeing doomers pimping that study. If immunity only lasts two to three months, we should have a ton of people reinfected by now. Do we have a ton of reinfections? Is there a SINGLE confirmed instance of someone getting infected twice? No? So guess what? Immunity lasts more than 2-3 months. You’re smarter than that, dude. Be better.


Registered User
From the same article...better hope those T-Cells are doing their thing.

"He added that the study was representative for the state of Saxony, however, which has a relatively low rate of infection compared with other parts of Germany.

The study is the latest to analyze the presence of antibodies among individuals and there is an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that coronavirus antibodies might wane over time, as WHO officials noted Monday.

A U.K. study published Saturday suggested that immunity to Covid-19 may only last a few months, with research showing that the antibody response to the virus peaked around three weeks after the first onset of symptoms but then began to decline in as little as two to three months."

Or they could last up to 17 years. Guess the jury is still out on that and we’ll have to wait and see. Glad to see that you’re still rooting against America though.

Still nothing about Tom Wolf?


Registered User
I keep seeing doomers pimping that study. If immunity only lasts two to three months, we should have a ton of people reinfected by now. Do we have a ton of reinfections? Is there a SINGLE confirmed instance of someone getting infected twice? No? So guess what? Immunity lasts more than 2-3 months. You’re smarter than that, dude. Be better.
These are the same people who claim we should wait for a vaccine to open everything up. If natural antibodies don’t work...what in the world makes them think a vaccine is going to be effective?

Going back to your comment about this thread having a lot of hot takes that didn’t age well - a lot of them seemed to come from the same few posters...


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Haha this thread is probably a gold mine of bad takes and shitty predictions
And why not? That is what we get from the government and medical experts for going on 4 months. I can't take hardly any of the detailed predictions, data, and analysis serious. One guy from Harvard says one thing and a woman from Stanford says another. The UK public heath folks believe one thing and the US CDC another. Completely useless. I respect the time some of you put into reading the tea leaves, but it doesn't matter if your data is flawed. I am very certain it is, whether it is test results, deaths, recoveries, demographics, we won't have reasonably useful data until this is over. There is too much noise. No standard collection procedures across states, and counties. No universal definitions of the basics.


Registered User
And why not? That is what we get from the government and medical experts for going on 4 months. I can't take hardly any of the detailed predictions, data, and analysis serious. One guy from Harvard says one thing and a woman from Stanford says another. The UK public heath folks believe one thing and the US CDC another. Completely useless. I respect the time some of you put into reading the tea leaves, but it doesn't matter if your data is flawed. I am very certain it is, whether it is test results, deaths, recoveries, demographics, we won't have reasonably useful data until this is over. There is too much noise. No standard collection procedures across states, and counties. No universal definitions of the basics.
I don’t think that was the gist of his post, yet it seems to sum up exactly why this thread remains, in my opinion, important.

Case in point: remember how lionized t
Florida not so much. Florida is a bit like Texas if you take that "rugged individualism" but you subtract most of the good manners, common sense, literacy, and you get what you get... (not that those traits and values are universal in the Lone Star State, but compared to FL, just sayin').

The governors and big city mayors haven't helped their cases with the mask thing. Again, I'm fine wearing the mask at the store simply because the store put a sign on the door- and I'm good with Sneezy McSneezeface wearing one when both of us are standing in the produce section and bagging vegetables. But some of the official messaging we've had across the country were doom and gloom if you didn't wear your mask to the park and you might get arrested and fined (no wait, let's backpedal on that one!!). The Chicago Mayor said something like "now isn't the time to go on a 5k run, and that's not to pick on Chicago or make it a left/right thing- all of them have said some really dumb stuff.

Back to Florida (but not just Florida), the masses haven't made the government's job any easier. Back at the beginning of April while we were still making jokes about toilet paper shortages, the FL governor came out with a "not an order" list of suggestions for shutting down the state. It was a few pages of double spaced type and it wasn't anything that wasn't already getting done, it was just putting it all in one place and clarifying things, including what was still "allowed" and some positive suggestions. Remember what happened within the hour of him getting on TV? All of the WalMarts got bumrushed by crowds of idiots, like if they'd taken five minutes to read what the man was saying then they would have realized that zero things were actually changing (again, literacy).

So I’m trying to understand something here. Florida, which has no mask order, is setting records for number of cases. California, which has had a mask order for almost a month, is also setting records for number of cases. But if masks stop people from getting the virus how come BOTH states are getting record-high numbers of virus cases despite totally different mask policies. What conclusions can we possibly draw from this?

@taxi1 how can this be?



Registered User
“This past weekend, the Times declared that Texas had “Swaggered into a Coronavirus Disaster.” The rate of death from Covid-19 in Texas is nine times less than in the state of New York, and 30 times less than the death rate of New York City. Clearly, the elite media and its professional analysts profoundly misunderstand key aspects of the pandemic. Why do they keep getting the wrong answers on Covid-19 policy, and what prevents them from making course corrections after two months of data contradict their predictions?”



War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Regarding re-infection, where are the re-infections in China? They were way ahead of everyone else. Haven't seen anyone claim their surge in cases is re-infection.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Someone please explain this to me... it honestly smacks of continued hammering away at our institutions, because politics.

The CDC’s performance during this thing has been less than stellar.

It’s being kicked up a level to the CDC’s parent agency. It’s not going to a completely different organization just a higher echelons. The CDC’s expertise is still available if needed by their bosses.

Deleted member 24525

It’s going to a private contractor called Teletracker that won a bid in April.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
It’s going to a private contractor called Teletracker that won a bid in April.
Trump told the Department of Health and Human Services to do the tracking. The CDC is part of HHS. If HHS decided to subcontract it out, that's the Secretary's decision to make. HHS has access to all the CDC information and expertise if they think it is necessary or desirable.


Well-Known Member
So I’m trying to understand something here. Florida, which has no mask order, is setting records for number of cases. California, which has had a mask order for almost a month, is also setting records for number of cases. But if masks stop people from getting the virus how come BOTH states are getting record-high numbers of virus cases despite totally different mask policies. What conclusions can we possibly draw from this?
There's policies and then there's behavior. CA got over-confident.
“This past weekend, the Times declared that Texas had “Swaggered into a Coronavirus Disaster.”
Pretty much. The whole idea is to learn from history (NY & NJ, PA, etc.) so as not to repeat it. Improved care has resulted in reduced deaths, but TX's new mask mandate (and AL's) is a clear admission they screwed it up.
Maybe your governor is to blame.
Wolf has done a good job. The recent huge delay in getting testing results is nation-wide, due to the pool of testing ability (like Lab Corp) getting sucked up by the South and West states with uncontrolled outbreaks. And the states competing with each other for finite PPE resources.

When FL announces a record-setting number of cases, understand those numbers are for a week ago or more due to testing result delays.

PA just announced new restrictions last night due to rising numbers in PA (Pittsburgh), and due to the folks in the peeing section of the pool (South and West) screwing it up for everybody.