It gets down to, in my mind, do you have a right to privacy and liberty or don't you? Do you think a local government (with its own police force that has the power to kill you if you disagree with their mandates) has a right to suspend basic human liberties for some but not for others based on...whatever they want Whatever the public health crisis du jour is.
The CDC director, who is not senate confirmed, is already making statements to the fact that gun violence is a public health crisis. Abusing the interstate commerce clause is so we've got the public health crisis excuse to justify huge power grabs by every single level of government.
Now that we declared victory in Afghanistan and Iraq, we can repeal the patriot act and defund the TSA, right? Fat chance, right, because the tendency of government is to accumulate as much power as it can.
Are you in support of a never-ending caste system of who is clean and unclean? There's already been a push to add this to some supermarkets. Getting food might be dependent on your vaxx status and if you don't meet our arbitrary standards for health, we are going to make life more inconvenient for you.
There's also no option for businesses to opt out, so the market can't even provide alternatives...I suspect because the initiative would be a colossal failure if there weren't business-killing fines behind it.
This isn't directed at you,
@wink, even though I use "you" a lot. It's just a scary precedent to see how many people are willing to turn over more and more of their lives to a government that has 0 accountability for its failures.