So who? Give some names. Doesn't even have to be in the current about they start with somebody that’s honest and has integrity?
So who? Give some names. Doesn't even have to be in the current about they start with somebody that’s honest and has integrity?
Since overwhelming numbers are minorities, maybe start with Obama and his best friends Jay Z and Beyoncé…So who? Give some names. Doesn't even have to be in the current government.
@SlickAg This is your assertion. Do you wish to expand on your first claim? Which you also supplied a link refuting it. I posted a global outage, but it wasn't to your liking. You are making a serious allegation. That Australia ciber attacked, at least one American company
You really need to be specific and with credible links. I will then google it to see if there is any validity. My impression so far, is that it's an unrelated conspiracy.
My google search brought up nothing : 20-26 "September 2021" protests Facebook offline Melbourne
Do you think it's some amazing coincidence that Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram experienced disruptions during that week of September 20-26th? You said yourself that that internet was never turned off during that time. So explain to me why those social media platforms all magically suffered disruptions during that week of protests.“Between Sept. 20, when the protests began, and Sept. 26, a number of social media websites experienced disruptions in Australia, including Twitter, Reddit and Instagram, according to Downdetector, a website that monitors outages and service disruptions.”
Fact check: No evidence Australia limited internet access after anti-lockdown protests
A search of Australian and global media and social media outages found no evidence the government limited internet access following the
What about the honey bees?cyber with a "i"
Must be that the machines down under auto-correct to that.What about the honey bees?
Yes I saw that link before. It's a conspiracy. It said "Cameron Njaa, a spokesperson for Reddit, said their site's disruption and the protests were "unrelated." A spokesperson for Instagram said there's "no evidence of any widespread content distribution issues on Instagram during the week of September 20, in Australia or elsewhere." Twitter declined to comment. "Do you think it's some amazing coincidence that Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram experienced disruptions during that week of September 20-26th? You said yourself that that internet was never turned off during that time. So explain to me why those social media platforms all magically suffered disruptions during that week of protests.
P.S. if you want to sound credible about these matters, try not to spell the word cyber with a "i" instead of a "y".
There seems to be a lot of sudden interest in Australia here by a few, he's our man on the street.I'm still trying to figure out who gives a shit what a non-winged foreign rando on a naval aviation forum thinks.
With roughly 50% of americans vaxxed, but with the majority of the vaxxed being from the much higher risk population (old, fat(ter), compromised immunity, etc.) it's amazing that the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed with severe Covid is what it justify turning the world upside down...
There seems to be a lot of sudden interest in Australia here by a few, he's our man on the street.
With roughly 50% of americans vaxxed, but with the majority of the vaxxed being from the much higher risk population (old, fat(ter), compromised immunity, etc.) it's amazing that the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed with severe Covid is what it is.
It's also sobering to think of if we didn't have the vaccine as the Delta variant hit. For every person from the unvaxxed population, we'd have probably 3-4 from the currently vaxxed that would be in the hospital, the ICU, on vents. The hospitals, already at their limit, would have been crushed.
We dodged a bullet.
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What I am extrapolating from the ongoing data is that without vaccines and with Delta variant we'd probably have lost well over a million dead Americans by now, either directly through Covid or through the fact that the hospitals were crushed and unable to serve others. This summer's surge would have been insane.You completely dodged and ignored what I wrote. I’ll try it again:
Even before vaccines the virus is not deadly or scary enough to justify turning the world upside down.
The vaccine is allowing you to pretend it'd have all been OK even if we pretended Covid wasn't that of a big don’t bring up vaccines in your reply.
Thanks for the wild ass guess, professor. Pretty much the same shit we’ve been operating under since spring 2020What I am extrapolating from the ongoing data is that without vaccines and with Delta variant we'd probably have lost well over a million dead Americans by now, either directly through Covid or through the fact that the hospitals were crushed and unable to serve others. This summer's surge would have been insane.
The vaccine is allowing you to pretend it'd have all been OK even if we pretended Covid wasn't that of a big deal.
How many dead would it take for it to be a big deal for you?
We are a very large country. From a policy perspective, there are better ways to measure the impact of the virus than a raw count. My position is, no matter the number dead, the impact of losing that many people was not worth a shut down or some of the more draconian restrictions. And even now as the numbers are similar to the opening stages of the pandemic, in the USA there is no talk of shut downs. They won't admit it, but even the government has learned that lesson.How many dead would it take for it to be a big deal for you?