Keep up the fight, flash. The virus came from a cave. Fauci didn’t lie to congress.Bingo!
Keep up the fight, flash. The virus came from a cave. Fauci didn’t lie to congress.Bingo!
San Francisco will require children ages 5-11 show proof of vaccine to access businesses
Children of San Francisco: Prepare to keep your vaccination cards close
San Francisco doing San Francisco things. In less than two years we’ve come from “two weeks to flatten the curve” to “keep your children’s proof of vaccination handy to be in public”
And don’t forget that naval officers are publicly (proudly?) admitting that they’re lying about their profession in order to be eligible for their booster shot against covid-1984.![]()
San Francisco will require children ages 5-11 show proof of vaccine to access businesses
Children of San Francisco: Prepare to keep your vaccination cards close
San Francisco doing San Francisco things. In less than two years we’ve come from “two weeks to flatten the curve” to “keep your children’s proof of vaccination handy to be in public”
The circle jerk virtue signaling isn’t nearly as off putting as the “us versus them” vaccine tribalism some of these scumbags have swallowed hook line and sinker.And don’t forget that naval officers are publicly (proudly?) admitting that they’re lying about their profession in order to be eligible for their booster shot against covid-1984.
I’d love for them to stand in front of their soon to be ex-comrades-in-arms and personally deliver their messages of empathy and understanding to each and every one of them. The fact that people are actively cheering for people to lose their livelihoods and not be able to provide for their families over a medical decision that’s absolutely none of their business is mind-boggling to me. And shameful.The circle jerk virtue signaling isn’t nearly as off putting as the “us versus them” vaccine tribalism some of these scumbags have swallowed hook line and sinker.
Honestly, thank god for all the people who are militantly pro-mask and pro-shots, because of one silver lining: at least their loud activism and furor has finally put an end to global gain-of-function lab research to make zoonotic viruses even more deadly and transmissable.
Oh wait. No, no it hasn’t.
“We don’t know for certain whether mRNA shots or masks will work, due to various factors like comorbitities, but you need to get one anyway to be safe, and we need to verify your compliance for you to be allowed out in public or to keep your job.”
“We don’t know for certain whether this world wrecking virus came from a lab doing gain-of-function bat coronavirus research, so these labs should be allowed to continue dangerous gain-of-function research all they want because there’s no proof or smoking gun.”
There’s a word for that and it’s pronounced “fraud.”Don't forget how we (the people who do and oversee gain of function research and grants that fund it) changed the definition of gain of function by adding a comma in said definition. Since the research that caused Covid skipped over where the pause in the definition should have been, it obviously wasn't gain of function research and we strenuously object to your accusations to the contrary.
Don't forget how we (the people who do and oversee gain of function research and grants that fund it) changed the definition of gain of function by adding a comma in said definition. Since the research that caused Covid skipped over where the pause in the definition should have been, it obviously wasn't gain of function research and we strenuously object to your accusations to the contrary.
This guy is a columnist for the New York Times.
And yes, he’s being serious.