As a reminder, the open, nearly free for all, no jeopardy forums at Tailhook (pre 91 anyway) is what made Tailhook great. Before "safe space" was a thing, I saw a LT walk up to the mic to bitch about the messed up re-winging of the Intruder. He said the "fucker" responsible for that should be fired. To which, the admiral responsible took the mic and they discussed it. When a junior feels free to call out a senior with expletive's
(professional or not) you know you have an open unfiltered channel.
This would be a breath of fresh air nowadays. It is a stratified organization by nature/tradition, but a "safe space" (as you say) to air grievances or most importantly, constructively solve big problems over a few-a thousand beers, would be awesome for a lot of the guys/gals at that point in life of being on the fence. I'd like to see a lot more of them stick around. We wont get better with them leaving. It really isn't hard. What you say is probably part of the solution. You make them part of the solution. It's called "listening".